Tuesday, 21 January , 2025


Amnesty International: Calls on the Greek Authorities to support the hunger...

fasdf Through it, it calls on the Greek authorities to comply with their obligations to protect and support them Human Rights including the right to...

Support the struggle for the immediate release of anarchist prisoner G....

Comrades, the anarchist G. Michailidis has been on hunger strike for about 2 months now, with the sole aim of his release. Since the...

Political repressions in Latvia hidden behind the events in Ukraine

By Oksana Chelysheva The ongoing war in Ukraine is fraught with a broad range of imminent consequences. With its end still not being in sight,...

Grèce: soutien aux mobilisations étudiantes !

Jun 8, 2022 Le 26 mai, un étudiant de Salonique, Yannis Doussakis, a failli être tué par une grenade tirée par un des nombreux CRS...

German journalist faces three years prison over reporting from eastern Ukraine

By Steve Sweeney June 27, 2022 GERMAN journalist Alina Lipp has said she faces three years in prison in her home country for her reporting...

La gauche en Pologne et le conflit en Ukraine

Par Bruno Drweski Depuis 1989, alors même qu’il existe dans la société polonaise, une forte sensibilité socialisante, anticapitaliste, et souvent nostalgique à l’égard des aspects...

The Polish left and the conflict in Ukraine

by Bruno Drweski Since 1989, even though there exists in Polish society a strong socializing, anti-capitalist and often nostalgic sensitivity towards the social aspects of...

Le péril Le Pen: inventaire de ce qu’elle infligerait à la...

À la veille du premier tour, Mediapart a demandé à une douzaine de représentants de la société civile de décrire les dégâts que produirait...

Greece | Two journalists indicted for their scoop on a pharmaceutical

January 14, 2022 (Athens) Greek MEP Georgios Kyrtsos on Friday deplored the criminal proceedings against two journalists from his country who investigated the corruption case...

Covid-19 and world’s politics: The rise of authoritarianism and totalitarianism and...

A panel in the conference “THE RISE OF ASIA IN GLOBAL HISTORY AND PERSPECTIVE: Covid-19 from Asia to the world: what assessment and what...