Tuesday, 21 January , 2025


Le gréviste de la faim grec Koufontinas risque la mort immédiate....

Par Dimitris Georgopoulos 23/02/2021 Grève de la faim grecque, depuis 45 jours maintenant, Dimitris Koufontinas, 63 ans, a insisté auprès de ses médecins pour qu'ils lui...

Greek hunger striker Koufontinas faces immediate death. Costa Gavras appeals to...

By Dimitris Georgopoulos Greek hunger striker, since 45 days now, Dimitris Koufontinas, 63 years old, has insisted to his doctors to remove the last instruments...

Koufontinas in front of death. A European first after Boby Sands?

Police detains 60 people protesting in solidarity with “17 Nov” convict Koufontinas February 18, 2021 Greek police detained 60 people who staged a protest outside the...

As Macron Courts the Far-Right, France Launches Crackdown on “Islamo-Leftism”

Islamo-leftism is a label coined by the far-right, with many pointing out the distinct similarities between it and “Judeo-Bolshevism,” a term created by German...

Spanish rapper convicted over tweets arrested after ignoring prison deadline

By Alfonso L. Congostrina 16 Feb 2021 Catalan police on Tuesday arrested a rapper for failing to report to prison by the deadline set by a...

Greece Gives Birth to Another Virulent Neo-Nazi Party — Is the...

Note: Τhe following article was published in September 2020. Since that time Kasidiaris and Lagos were sentenced to prison sentences. Kasidiaris is in prison,...

Greek Police Accused of Violence at Education Bill Protests

By Stavros Malichudis Feb.11, 2021 Police in Greece have been criticised after videos circulated on social media of officers violently pushing and shoving photojournalists covering a...

Is the U.S. actually a ‘police state’?

By Eric Zuesse, updated from the original posting at Strategic Culture On 25 January 2021, America’s National Public Radio headlined “Fatal Police Shootings Of Unarmed Black...

Sécurité Globale, De quel droit ?

Un film réalisé par Karine Parrot et Stéphane Elmadjian Sept juristes décryptent la loi Sécurité Globale Novembre 2020. L’état d’urgence sanitaire est en vigueur. La population...

Entre sentiment d’être « bâillonné » et peur de la prison,...

par Stéphane Trouille 29 janvier 2021 Depuis le mouvement des Gilets jaunes, les peines d’interdiction de manifester se sont multipliées. Le dispositif s’ajoute à un...