Wednesday, 22 January , 2025


Why the debt deal with the EU is bad for Greece

The new Eurogroup agreement commits Greece to 40 more years of austerity and supervision. by Jerome Roos 24 Jun 2018 Shortly before coming to power in January...

Poverty in Greece Gone Up 40% Since 2008

By Philip Chrysopoulos Mar 2, 2017 The poverty in Greece increased by 40% from 2008 to 2015, according to a Cologne Institute of Economic Research study...

Le gouvernement grec accepte d’énièmes mesures d’austérité

Par Pascal Marie Publié le 19/05/2017 Le Parlement grec a voté dans la soirée du jeudi 18 mai de nouvelles mesures d’austérité afin de satisfaire les désirs...

L’ombre menaçante du FMI sur la Grèce

À l’occasion des Rendez-vous de printemps FMI-Banque mondiale 2018 7 May, 2018 Grèce : Bien que le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) ne soit pas entré officiellement dans...

Teachers Are Leading the Revolt Against Austerity

The strikes aren’t just about pay. They’re a rejection of tax cuts for the wealthy and a rallying cry for public goods and services. By...

«Maintenant le Peuple ! Pour une révolution citoyenne en Europe»

Appel commun Bloc de gauche, Podemos, France Insoumise 12 avril 2018 Catarina Martin, pour le Bloc de gauche portugais, Pablo Iglesias pour Podemos, Etat espagnol et...

Tunisia’s Teachers Strike Against IMF Imposed Austerity Policies

Various workers and teachers unions’ around the world have expressed their solidarity with movement in Tunisia. By Zoe PC The Dawn News / April 24, 2018 Since...

Austerity: Public Hospital halts chemotherapy, turns away cancer patients because “budget...

March 24, 2017 The public hospital in Volos has reportedly stopped providing chemotherapy to cancer patients and sends them away because the monthly budget has...

Greece crisis: Cancer patients suffer as health system fails

By Giorgos Christides Thessaloniki, Greece 6 September 2015 After arriving at the Theageneio specialist cancer hospital in Thessaloniki, Betty Semakoula was distraught to learn that her...

Debate on Europe

By Ernesto Screpanti* Since the end of World War II, tribal rivalries and xenophobic sentiment in Europe have never been as strong as they...