Saturday, 15 March , 2025


Police repression in Buenos Aires for G20: a dress-rehearsal for dictatorship

By Rafael Azul 1 December 2018 As the presidents of the Group of 20 nations (G20), representing the world’s top economies, were preparing to travel...

Kissinger backed dirty war against left in Argentina

Transcripts show former secretary of state urged violent crackdown on opposition By Julian Borger and Uki Goni Sat 28 Aug 2004 Henry Kissinger gave...

Corbyn Calls for Global Movement Against Inequality, Offers Support to Latin...

8 November 2018 With the political landscape in Latin America shifting, particularly in Brazil which has just elected far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, British leftist...

Argentina in turmoil

by Jérôme Duval 24 October 2018 After Argentine President Mauricio Macri announced, on 3rd September, a brutal austerity plan under IMF supervision, the people hit the...

Le mariage forcé entre l’Argentine et le FMI tourne au fiasco

Par Jérôme Duva l3 Octobre 2018 Alors que le mécontentement du peuple argentin grossit de jour en jour, le président Mauricio Macri s’envole pour les États-Unis....

‘Suicidal’: Argentine Gov’t Reaches Deal with IMF, Recent Borrowing Reaches $57B

27 September 2018 A bigger loan and the early release of funds were agreed on by Argentina and the IMF, despite warnings by labor unions. Argentina's...

Solidarity with the imprisoned popular economy’s workers and political leaders of...

A new act of police harassment took place today against the Senegalese street vendors who work daily in the neighborhood of Constitución, Buenos Aires....

Argentina Hikes Interest Rate to 60% as Peso Crashes

30 August 2018 The currency hit a new record low Thursday of 39 pesos per U.S. dollar, making it the world's worst-performing currency. Argentina's central bank yanked...

Argentina Is Persecuting Abortion Rights Activists

16 August 2018 Three police raids took place Wednesday in the small city of Rio Grande, in Argentina, against feminist activists. The justice system of the...

The global implications of the Turkish lira crisis

16 August 2018 As the tenth anniversary of the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis approaches, the ongoing turmoil engulfing the Turkish lira sounds...