Friday, 14 March , 2025


Argentina: Mass Demonstration Against Government Over IMF

April 22, 2023 Tens of thousands of piqueteros and piqueteras marched carrying torches this Wednesday from the Pueyrredón Bridge to Plaza de Mayo to repudiate...

Brazil and Argentina preparing new Latin American currency to ‘reduce reliance...

Brazil and Argentina are making plans for a Latin American currency called the Sur, to “boost regional trade and reduce reliance on the US...

Maduro proposes creating international alliance with nations close to Russia and...

January 14, 2023 Nicolas Maduro, the president of Venezuela, has proposed creating a new international alliance with nations in Latin America and the Caribbean that...

Peronist Legacies

By Pablo Pryluka 11 January 2023 On the night of 1 September 2022, around 9:30pm, the news began to spread like wildfire, first on social media...

Israel’s Latin American trail of terror

5 Jun 2003 Castao, who leads the Colombian paramilitaries, known by their Spanish acronym AUC, the largest right-wing paramilitary force to ever exist in the...

Judicial coup in Argentina: Corrupt judges conspire with media oligarchs to...

Leaked messages show Argentina’s corrupt judges and prosecutors conspired with right-wing media oligarchs to launch a judicial coup against left-wing ex President and current...

Lawfare in Argentina: VP Cristina Fernández de Kirchner sentenced to six...

The lawfare against Argentina’s most prominent and loved Peronist leader and one of the towering figures of Latin America’s political left has evoked widespread...

Brazilian presidential candidate (and favorite) Lula: “Instead of depending on the...

By Yunus Soner With contribution from Douglas Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela May 5, 2022 “We cannot depend on the US dollar. We will reestablish relations our relations with...

Crisis & Critique: Venezuela and the New Latin American Left

With leftist leaders winning back power in Latin America, how will they handle the "Venezuela issue"? Ociel López breaks it down. By Ociel Alí López* Mar...

OTAN, suspends ton vol !

Maurice Lemoine Mar 14, 2022 C’est l’histoire d’un type qui passe devant un chien et qui lui donne un grand coup de pied. L’animal jappe. Impassible,...