Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Destroying Life on Earth

Arctic temperatures soar 45 degrees above normal, flooded by extremely mild air on all sides By Jason Samenow Washington Post Februrady 21. 2018 While the Eastern United States...

Two Minutes to Doomsday

by Robert Hunziker January 30, 2018 Not since 1953, when the U.S. and the Soviets exploded thermonuclear bombs, has the world been such a powder keg! Only...

The $10 Trillion Investment Plan to Integrate the Eurasian Supercontinent

By Federico PIERACCINI The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), by lending out money using an alternative currency to the dollar, opens up huge spaces for...

Manhattan Project-sized effort is needed to create artificial Arctic ice ‘to...

Experts believe the Arctic could be essentially free of sea ice for the first time in about 100,000 years within the next few decades. The famously impassable North West Passage is already open to shipping and fossil fuel companies are considering drilling in the region.

‘Extraordinarily hot’ Arctic temperatures alarm scientists

Danish and US researchers monitoring satellites and Arctic weather stations are surprised and alarmed by air temperatures peaking at what they say is an unheard-of 20C higher than normal for the time of year. In addition, sea temperatures averaging nearly 4C higher than usual in October and November.

North Pole above freezing in sign of ‘sudden’ and ‘very serious’...

emperatures near the North Pole have risen above freezing in the latest sign of the “sudden” and “very serious” changes to the Earth’s climate. The US Weather Channel reported that at least five buoys near the pole had recorded temperatures between zero and 1.2C on Tuesday this week. At the same time, parts of central Russia have seen temperatures of -40C.

Committing Geocide: Climate Change And Corporate Capture By Susan George

I am not here to promote the deep ecology view. I am here rather to introduce and define what I see as a new phenomenon in the history of humankind. I call it Geocide. Geocide is the collective action of a single species among millions of other species which is changing planet Earth to the point that it can become unrecognisable and unfit for life. This species is committing geocide against all components of nature, whether microscopic organisms, plants, animals or against itself, homo sapiens, humankind.

Militarization of the Arctic to Counter Russian Claims

By Mads Jacobsen According to the recently finished Arctic Analysis - a report ordered by the Danish government - it has been deemed necessary to "enforce sovereignty over...