Saturday, 18 January , 2025


The new Arab OTAN –serving who?

By Margherita Furlan March 3, 2019 “Iran is the main threat in the Middle East, and confronting the Islamic Republic is the key to achieving peace...

The End of Israeli “Democracy”

Kahane in, Arabs out: Israeli election panel disqualifies Palestinian party calling for equality, approves racist Jewish Power leader March 7, 2019 Just hours after chairman of...

We are Jews and anti-zionists, Nous sommes juifs et antisionistes

19 février 2019 par Coordination nationale de l’UJFP Nous sommes juifs, héritiers d’une longue période où la grande majorité des Juifs ont estimé que leur...

The Suburbs and the Revolt – Gilets Jaunes et Banlieue

"Gilets jaunes" et banlieue : y aller ou pas 21/02/2019 Ils viennent - ou pas - à des réunions de quartier aux allures de grand débat...

Antisionisme, antisémitisme et idéologie coloniale

Dans le débat qui agite la France autour de l’antisémitisme, deux dimensions sont souvent absentes : le fait que, durant la première moitié du XXe siècle,...

Israël, un État membre de la Ligue arabe ? Une possibilité...

28 Octobre 2018 Après la visite officielle du premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahou au Sultanat d’Oman et l’établissement de relations diplomatiques entre Israël et Oman, certains...

Israel, from Democracy to Totalitarianism: A historic transition

Israeli parliament passes apartheid-style “Nation-State” law By Bill Van Auken 20 July 2018 The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, Thursday passed a so-called “Nation-State” law that enshrines...

How Netanyahu’s Father Adopted the View of Arabs as Savages

Benzion Netanyahu, the late father of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, looked to historian Joseph Klausner as his intellectual mentor and fully embraced his view...

Instead of Turning East, Turkey is Going It Alone

By Nick Danforth February 13, 2018 Since Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in late 2002, there’s been talk about the...

Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah vows to focus on Palestine

The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah has said his group and its allies in the region would renew their focus on the Palestinian cause after...