Saturday, 18 January , 2025


There is a historic change taking place in the Middle East...

The normalisation of relations between Israel and the UAE will help Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu politically – but there are more important things happening By...

Israel-UAE deal condemned in Palestine as prelude to more persecution

Palestinians across the territories say the pact bolsters Israeli occupation at the expense of their legitimate rights By Akram Al-Waara 14 August 2020 For the past 24...

Erdogan could not Islamize minds, so he is Islamizing stones instead’

Ezgi Başaran writes: French political scientist Professor Olivier Roy, who, since the mid-‘90s, has argued that the Islamist project has failed, says Atatürk’s secularism...

Transformer Sainte-Sophie en mosquée: Une nouvelle crise en Méditerranée orientale

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 12/07/2020 La décision du régime turc de faire de Sainte-Sophie, l'un des plus importants monuments de la chrétienté, une mosquée ne peut être...

Turning Hagia Sophia into a mosque: A new crisis in Eastern...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The decision of the Turkish regime to make Hagia Sophia, one of the most important monuments of Christendom, a mosque can only...

Jews and Arabs Share Genetic Link to Ancient Canaanites, Study Finds

Today’s Jews and Arabs in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and parts of Syria get half their ancestry from Bronze Age Levantines, who descended from a...

No comment “| Saudi Writer: Israel Is A Peace-Loving Country;...

In a pro-Israeli article in the liberal Arabic website, Saudi writer and author Khalid Turki Aal Turki wrote that Israel is a peaceful...

Tariq Ali on Lenin, Engels, Palestinians and Nasser

Talking Lenin with Tariq Ali – I Raza Naeem sat down with one of the most influential leftists of our world today to discuss politics,...

Breaking with Washington: Arabs and Muslims must take a united stance...

Why can’t Arab countries use their massive economic and political leverage to defend Palestine, asks RAMZY BAROUD February 14, 2020 A NEGOTIATED solution to the “Palestinian-Israeli...

Elias Sanbar : “Aucun rapport de force ne peut être éternel”

Fondé sur une solution à deux Etats, le "plan de paix" pour le Proche-Orient présenté cette semaine par Donald Trump a suscité rejet et...