Israel is not suddenly a more racist state. It is simply growing more confident about admitting its racism to the world
Middle East...
l y a quatre-vingt ans se déroulait l’innommable !Un texte inédit de Maurice Rajsfus
paru dans lundimatin#340, le 29 mai 2022
Il y a 80 ans aujourd’hui,...
‘The Jews own COVID just like all of Hollywood,’ says one online poster on Telegram; campaign also frequently contains hate speech directed at Asians...
Ce vendredi 29 octobre, un sujet enflamme Twitter. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidat de l'Union populaire à l'élection présidentielle, est accusé d'antisémitisme. La réplique de ses...
Mikis Theodorakis Aug 26, 2004 Haaretz interview
Twenty-four hours before the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games in Greece and a year after the war...
Left erupts in anger after Starmer's Labour expels iconic film director Ken Loach
Aug. 15, 2021
LABOUR’S left erupted in anger over the weekend after film...
By David Cronin, Lobby Watch
11 June 2021
Christian Zionism is repugnant.
Its adherents seek to excuse the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes by claiming...