Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Ancient Greece

PM Mitsotakis formally requests the return of Parthenon Sculptures to Greece

November 12, 2021 Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis during his speech in Paris in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of UNESCO raised the...

The Antikythera Mechanism

The Story Behind the Genius of the Greek Computer and its Demise by Evaggelos G. Vallianatos View First 25 Pages: (free download) Synopsis In Antikythera Mechanism: The Story...

‘They want to make the Acropolis into Disneyland.’ Site renovations face...

Greece says it wants to make the Acropolis more accessible. Critics say it’s turning the ancient site into Disneyland. By Lydia Emmanouilidou Jun 17, 2021 Architect Tasos...

Destrοying Attica, a cradle of Civilization, a unique climatic and esthetic...

Elliniko Project to Start as Lamda Set to Pay First Installment By Patricia Claus June 18, 2021 Lamda Development, the firm that is responsible for the gargantuan...

Attacking the Classic Civilization, Entering the new Dark Ages

Parthenon Marbles “not particularly inspiring… return them to Greece,” says ex Museum trustee February 18, 2021 “Return the Elgin Marbles to Greece,'” they are not inspiration...

Hölderlin’s Hyperion (1934) by Georg Lukács

Written: 1934; Translator: Robert Anchor; Source: Goethe and His Age Merlin Press 1968; Transcribed: Harrison Fluss for, February 2008. Oh! were there a banner ... a Thermopylae...

France Donates Tapestry of Raphael’s School of Athens to Greece

France donated to Greece the magnificent tapestry depicting the artwork of Italian-born High Renaissance artist Raphael. Raphael’s famous, dubbed the School of Athens, is famous...

Decadence, anti-Humanism, mediocrity: The inverse idol of White Racism

Aristotle and Plato must go. After targeting statues, race activists now aim to topple the ancient founders of Western thought By Alexander Adams 10 Feb, 2021 An...

Greece to lend Antiquities, “entire monument” to museums abroad up to...

December 9, 2020 Greece’s Culture Ministry has submitted an amendment stipulating the export of museum collections including antiquities and even “an entire monument” to museums...

ICOMOS calls for Protection of antiquities at Thessaloniki metro station

December 14, 2020 The International Council on Monuments and Sites, a technical advisor to UNESCO is calling for the Protection of the Antiquities in situ...