STOP THE WAR!!! Call for an immediate ceasefire in and around the Ukraine

By Renewal Group of the World Social Forum
and International Peace Buro

Since February 24th, 2022 tens of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians have been killed by soldiers and militias from both sides, most of them civilians including women and children. All over the world millions have become victims of this unequal and unjust warfare which has threatened, directly or indirectly, their entire economic existence. In the meantime, the destruction not only has affected the minds and hearts of a big majority of the world population, but has contributed to a sudden increase of the consequences of climate change and the destruction of our planet.

Independently of the origins of this conflict and the blames and accusations which can be laid on the political and military actors, the undersigned social movements and persons who have gathered around the World Social Forum agree unanimously that MILITARY CONFRONTATION ALONE CAN NEVER BE A SOLUTION TO POLITICAL CONFLICTS.

We therefore call for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts of the Ukrainian conflict starting with a worldwide mobilization of all peoples of the world on October 31st, 2022, in order to

  • avoid more bloodshed of the civilian population
  • protect the soldiers from both sides against the freezing temperatures
  • show our solidarity with the people in Ukraine and in Russia.

This worldwide protest against the war in and around the Ukraine eventually should lead to a dialogue between the principal actors of the conflict under the auspices of representatives of the international civil society.


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