Opening of the Biodiversity Center & Future Conversations at Bethlehem

We had a grand opening of the Biodiversity Center at the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem University this morning. Linda Majaj, Project manager MC’d the event and gave introductory remarks. We heard from Joris Heeren, the EU representative as well as from Brother Peter Bray (Vice Chancellor of BU). From the audience we heard from Munib Al-Masri whose family foundation committed to donate towards renovation of a building to house the upcoming new national museum of Natural History. Below is a speech I gave on that occasion.

We thank those who were able to join us. Check our facebook pages (links below) for pictures and videos. However, YOU can also  join us online this coming Friday 25 June 4 PM (Jerusalem, Palestine Time) for our biweekly Future Conversation. This week we will discuss the future plans touched on the speech below and how we can together dream bigger.

Link to join:

Please mark your calendar

We thank all who helped us in the past and are making dreams come true


*Prof. Qumsiyeh’s Speech (delivered in Arabic):*

Seven years of realizing bigger and bigger dreams.

In signing the agreement with the university to start this adventure, I spoke on behalf of volunteers and others by thanking those who made that step possible.

Now seven years later, we can look with pride and amazement at what we accomplished together.

From the dream of Sana Atallah to study nature From a dream of 7-year-old fascinated by creatures big and small

From a small collection in the basement of our house

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We dreamed big: A Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability

A Palestine Museum of Natural history

A botanical garden

Many people told us our dreams were too big, too unrealistic You can’t do this under occupation You will be fought by the bureacrats inside and outside your institution

No one will appreciate your work

And on and on—The negatives were indeed there

But let no one tell you that something is impossible

The main thing is to liberate our minds (outr motto is respect: for ourselves/empowerment, for others, for nature)

Believe in ourselves

Believe in our young people

Dreaming big and making it bigger every step of the way

We achieved our older dreams and each dream fulfilled gives us ideas to dream and achieve the next target

We publish two papers a month now

We benefited thousands of school and university students

Thousands of adult visitors, local and international

We conducted Conservation efforts and were trusted to build the National

Report foer CBD and now working on the NBSAPs

We did animal rehabilitation

A Community Garden

An Exploration Playground

An Ethnography exhibit

A large collections of research specimens

A nascent Herbarium

We thank Sara Dominoni and Joris Heeren from the EU for another dream made possible:

This biodiversity center is part of a three center, three partnerships project.

An Education Center at Galilee society

A Human Diversity Center at PCR

And this biodiversity center which has molecular labs, resources for studying and conserving the rich biodiversity in Palestine.

It adds an even bigger step, a dream fulfilled that takes us to new heights

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The key ingredient to making dreams come true is people. Those who volunteer with us and some later become employees.

The dream of “Unity and Diversity in Nature and society” (the title of this EUPI funded project) is a partnership Between us at BU and PCR and GS.

We thank George Rishmawi, Elias Awad, and Yasmena Qumsiyeh of PCR Ahmed Al-shaikh, Sare Asali and Samaa Awad of GS LindaMajaj, Project manager, and Hanin Saliba, Project assistant

Our other team of staff and volunteers are amazing and dream big with us Mohammad Najajrah, Elias Handal, Amal Handal, Johann Gideon, Mohammad Abusarhan

We also had previous employees like Rami Abu Saad with us

We thank our volunteers who make dreams come true my wife Jessie dreamt big with me and we both still volunteer seven years on, There are Zohar, Majd, Defon, Andrea, Asad, Ibrahim and many more

We still dream big and overcome obstacles

Our next project is a new national level museum in this building to the north of us which will be renovated – Munib Masri Family Foundation will transfer a most generous donation and we likely will soon receive even more from ASHA (Americans Schools and Hospitals Abroad). This will allow us to launch a national museum of natural history including a gift shop, a cafeteria and much more. Stay tuned.

With the Environment Quality Authority we work to achieve our dreams of better protected areas, of expanding our animal rehabilitation unit, expand our botanic gardens and much more. We also are now working with EQA to formulate the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action plans for Palestine including potential signing of new international conventions and updating as needed the local laws to protect our environment. Thank you Dr. Issa Albaradeya and Mohammaed Mahasna for your bountiful support.

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For all these and future dreams to come through, we need your support. Join us as we dream even bigger dreams…

Dare I say dream of ending the colonization a free prosperous sustainable Palestine

Let us together make a better future for people and nature in our beloved Palestine

We need each and every one of you

PS: Mr. Jamil Mtour of EQA gave a nice speech explaining that the biggest obstacle to our environmental work is the Israeli occupation. I then expanded on that by explaining why diversity is a strength in nature and society and that colonization is always a threat to such diversity. Zionist colonization provides a great example of such negative effects. So we aim for a society that is diverse and a nature that has rich biodiversity. For more, see

The Palestinian Environment under Israeli occupation
Stay Human and keep Palestine alive
Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine