On the targeting of soldiers who express their opposition to the imperialist war

Oct 10, 2024

The Secretariat of PAME stands with and is in solidarity with the young Greek soldiers who express in every way their opposition to the imperialist wars, the genocide that Israel is carrying out in Palestine, the bloodshed in Lebanon and the general conflict in our region, which is being prepared by the USA, NATO and the EU together with the terrorist state of Israel.

The latest developments confirm for the umpteenth time how dangerous is the Greek government’s decision to send another Greek frigate to the Red Sea, to make available the Greek military bases to provide cover for the butchers.

New Democracy MP Th. Plevris and SYRIZA’s P. Pappas are targeting soldiers, calling for the punishment of a soldier for publicly expressing his opposition to our country’s involvement in wars and his solidarity with the peoples of the region during a demonstration last Saturday in Athens.

It is the right of the young soldiers to speak their minds freely and to participate in demonstrations, marches, events against the sending of arms to Ukraine, the sending of frigates to the Red Sea, against the genocide in GAZA and LEBANON.

The workers’ movement of our country demands that such efforts of intimidation be stopped immediately and without delay. The soldiers are the children of the people, and as such they share and express the same anxieties and demands.

PAME Secretariat calls on all trade unions, Regional Union Centres, Federations to condemn the government’s attempt to terrorise the soldiers who are opposing the country’s involvement in wars throughout the country.

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