Our people are being slaughtered and I get desperate calls from fewer and fewer surviving friends in Gaza. I am sleepless thinking whether I should share videos and images (they are available on aljazeera.com). Or shall I share how the right wing regime in the US is attacking people in the US and around the world? Should we talk about break-up of empire or new empires rising? Or should we shed light on traitors in the Arab and Muslim world who aid and abet the slaughter of their brothers and sisters? Shall I speak of how Gaza stands alone fighting hunger and genocide? No water, medicine, food etc. while billions of people around the world go about their privileged lives indifferent (or aiding via paying taxes). Do our collective protests, emails and social media posts make a difference other than helping us selfishly (action being the best antidote to despair)? What is the difference between our role when we happen to live under the boot of the Israeli occupation (e.g. us in Bethlehem) and role of others living on Western countries? Or should we highlight our on the ground work (f example here. https://www.facebook.com/PIBS.
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