Greece ― the country that lets people escape justice

Cover-ups, botched investigations and a general feeling of impunity set alarm bells ringing.

By Nektaria Stamouli
August 26, 2024

ATHENS ― In the country famous for inventing democracy, there’s a sense it is fraying.

Greece has experienced a series of scandals that, while all very different, add up to a feeling that justice is crumbling ― and that those in power don’t want to rectify it. Or worse, are culpable.

“There is a sense of a systematic and concerted effort to downplay certain incidents,” said Andreas Pottakis, Greece’s ombudsman, an independent official who looks into state maladministration. This breeds “suspicions of an attempted cover-up” and negligence that “could involve political leadership.”

Also read The Austerity Train Wreck

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