From Gaza to Lebanon and from Lebanon to Iran

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
September 29th, 2024

Once again Israel’s extremist leadership is embarking on a path of escalation that threatens to blow up the entire region.

There is no doubt that the assassination of Nasrallah (particularly heinous since it was accompanied by the cold-blooded extermination of probably hundreds of civilians, an extermination reminiscent of German tactics in World War II) and other leading members of his organization constitutes a very serious blow to Hezbollah. But it cannot make it disappear, just as it cannot make disappear the profound national and social needs of the Shiite popular masses, and more broadly of many people in Lebanon, that it came to address.

Moreover, even if it were possible to eliminate Hezbollah, which it is not, what would prevent tomorrow or the day after tomorrow that there would be a much stronger organisation?

The Americans did not win in Vietnam, the French did not win in Algeria, apartheid did not win in South Africa, Israel will not win in the Middle East. It is really shocking and deeply disappointing that a people with the tragic history and the culture of the Jews cannot understand this; that they seem to have nothing learned and nothing forgotten.

The issue is not even local, it’s not what will happen in Lebanon. Once again Israel’s extremist leadership is embarking on a path of escalation that threatens to blow up the entire region, if not the planet. Israeli leaders, far from softening in the Christian way their religion’s  vendetta teachings (“an eye for an eye” and “a tooth for a tooth”), have multiplied by 1,000 and 10,000 its vengeful demands.

But the problems will not be solved either by assassinations or by bombings. They will get worse. Instead of negotiating with Haniyeh and Nasrallah, representatives of genuine popular national liberation movements, whether we (or the Israelis) like it or not, they prefer to eliminate them at the probable cost of seeing “tougher”, more militant leaders emerge in their place.

From Paris, the leader of the left-wing New People’s Front, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, one of the extremely few serious European politicians today, condemned the assassination of Nasrallah, stressing that it is “another step towards the invasion of Lebanon and general war” and adding: “France no longer counts on the ground. Netanyahu’s crimes will continue because they remain unpunished. The danger is extreme for the region and for the world.”

Even if the far-right leadership of the Jewish state defeats the Palestinians tomorrow, and the Lebanese and the Yemenites, and the Syrians and the Iraqis, which I don’t see how it can happen, what will happen tomorrow with Iran, which for at least twenty years Netanyahu has wanted to “neutralize”, but which has perhaps more reason to act now before Israel neutralizes all its allies and its “defenses”?

And is it possible for Russia and China to allow their most important international ally to be crushed?

With a far-right leadership in Israel, which is controlling almost all governments in the US and Europe, through an extremely powerful Zionist lobby, with a crazy “Party of War” dominating the West and wanting victory in Ukraine at all costs, with an effective “political power vacuum” in America and Europe (i.e. with the holders of finance capital directly taking over the governance of the world”,  we are now rapidly approaching a nuclear apocalypse and the end of our presence on Earth.

Unless we rise up in time, while there is still time to do so, and stop them.

Published in Greek
translated by Christos Marsellos

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