Free Assange! Open letter to the UK Government

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Julian Assange is a political prisoner.

Since 2010, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have produced an unprecedented body of journalistic publications, unveiling war crimes and terrible violations of human rights by powerful States. Now, Julian awaits the decision of an UK extradition tribunal, which may grant his rendition to the US authorities. If this happens, Julian Assange is likely to spend the rest of his life in a maximum security prison.

Julian Assange is a political prisoner for raising his voice and denouncing grave human rights abuses. Human rights defenders, jurists, journalists and defenders of free journalism, as well as advocates for freedom of expression have raised their voices to support Julian Assange demanding his release and asking the US and UK Governments to cease the persecution against Julian Assange.

As we celebrate Human Rights Day on December 10, we want to send an open letter to the UK Government, with a clear message: the whole world is watching how Julian Assange is being treated by the UK Government. It’s time to cease the persecution against Julian Assange, now. No to the extraordinary rendition of Julian Assange. Julian Assange must go free!

Please, fill the form you below and send the OPEN LETTER to your local British diplomatic mission.

Free Assange!

The Covid 19 pandemic is putting all of humanity in grave danger. The possibility of an authoritarian exit to the crisis is a reality in many countries of the world. Faced with the urgent needs of the peoples – health, food, shelter, security – authoritarian governments impose repression, persecution and silence.

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In these critical hours for humanity, we cannot allow ourselves to be silent.

For more than ten years, Julian Assange has faced relentless persecution because he refused to be silent. His journalistic work revealed the terrible abuses of political regimes that impose terror, genocide and destruction to pursue their interests.

While these crimes against humanity remain unpunished, Julian Assange suffers terrible punishment for daring to speak out. The legal case against him is an example of the political use of the institutions of the States against the general interest.

Julian Assange has not seen the sunlight for more than eight years, subjected to torture and isolation. As with other political prisoners, this treatment seeks to break their will and inflict exemplary punishment, so that other voices are also silent. But Julian Assange resists, despite the serious consequences on his mental and mental health. He endures arbitrariness and injustice with dignity and rebellion.

He told the court that decides on his possible extradition to the United States: “I will not accept you censoring a torture victim’s statement to this court.” We are millions who will not accept that they silence his voice, and we will not silence ours either. We are not going to look away from the serious abuse he is submitted to.

Those who support this declaration express our solidarity with him and with his family: with his partner, children and parents.

We join our voices with journalists around the world, who know that their profession will be even more dangerous if Julian Assange is extradited, and that freedom of expression and freedom of the press will face even more relentless persecution.

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The conquest of power

We join our voices with those of the British people, who witness with indignation the submission of national institutions to the interests of a foreign power, in a gross imposition of extraterritoriality, without respect for the rule of law.

We join our voices with the activists and human rights defenders, who know that they could be the next to suffer the arbitrariness, persecution and torture of powerful states that seek revenge, not justice.

We join our voices with jurists around the world who have warned of the serious irregularities in the judicial process against Julian Assange, and fear that the rule of law will be mortally wounded if he is extradited.

But above all, we unite our voices to the hundreds of thousands of victims in the countries that were invaded, attacked by the military forces of powerful States, to all the voices silenced by the brutality of war, of all the victims of those crimes whose authors, to this day, remain unpunished.

Julian Assange risked his life and freedom by not keeping silent, by not accepting that these crimes should go hidden and unpunished. In these dark times, we need the bright voice of Julian Assange, we need all the voices that denounce crimes against humanity.

Julian Assange must not be extradited, Julian Assange must be free!

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