Failure in Hanoi. Bolton accused.

Breakdown in Hanoi Summit Shows the Real Danger on the Korean Peninsula: Donald Trump’s America

By Jon Schwarz
February 28 2019

What’s the bottom line on the collapse of the Hanoi summit between President Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un?
According to Evelyn Farkas, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and former deputy assistant secretary of defense in the Obama administration, it’s that Trump “didn’t make a bad deal, and a lot of people feared he would.”
This is the standard view of America’s foreign policy “Blob” — the oozing mass of think tank experts, future government-officials-in waiting, and cable TV commentators that constitutes the mass mind of Washington, D.C.

Trump-Kim summit failure no surprise as only nukes deter US regime change in N. Korea – Gabbard

1 Mar, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard says that while she is upset by the lack of progress at the talks in Vietnam, North Korea has every reason to believe its nukes are the only deterrent against regime change, taking into account the US’ record.

Hawaii Rep. and Democratic presidential hopeful Gabbard sat down for a brief one-on-one with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Thursday, relaying her thoughts on the summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and lambasting the US interventionist political doctrine.
The summit, which wrapped up abruptly with Trump walking out of the talks after refusing to offer any relief of sanctions to Pyongyang, has been described as a flop, having done little to advance the denuclearization issue.

Read also:
Is Trump Planning a Coup d’État?

After Trump-Kim Summit Ends in Failure, Conflicting Accounts of What Went Wrong

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The Hanoi summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un came to a literally unceremonious end on Thursday, with the closing signing ceremony canceled and talks ending an hour and a half early. President Trump followed this up with a conference declaring that the US had chosen to “walk away.”
He tried not to present this as a failure, and expressed hope that deals would eventually be made in the future. At the same time, he presented future talks as all but assured, while trying to present North Korea’s current position as unreasonable.
But what actually happened? Since Trump’s statement, North Korea and South Korea have both offered their own contradictory reports on what actually happened, and where the talks are going. This gives us three distinct stories on what was offered, what was rejected, and why.