Biden under pressure on Palestine

Tensions Mount Among Democrats as Biden Urged to Put ‘Rule of Law’ at Forefront of US-Israel Policy

Maqy 14, 2021
The worst conflict in recent years in the Gaza Strip follows days of clashes in East Jerusalem and an Israeli court’s decision to side with Jewish settlers demanding several Palestinian families be evicted from their homes in the disputed city.
Israel’s allies in the Senate Democratic Caucus have been fending off increasing criticism of Tel Aviv’s aggression towards Palestinians.
Fighting between Israel and Gaza has descended into the worst violence in years, triggered by court rulings to evict Palestinian families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem and  banning Palestinians from visiting holy sites in the city during Ramadan.
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Humanitarian Assistance to Palestinians Will Continue, White House Says

May 14, 2021
The Middle East has seen the fiercest escalation between Israel and Gaza in recent years, which resulted from clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police over the eviction of Arab families from a quarter in East Jerusalem.
Large-scale clashes broke out between Palestinians and Israeli police on Monday evening, resulting in the fiercest escalation in the Gaza Strip in recent years. Riots began in East Jerusalem, where several Arab families were being evicted from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah quarter in accordance with an Israeli court decision.
Gaza’s Hamas group launched rocket attacks at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in retaliation for Israeli police clashes with Palestinians in East Jerusalem. The death toll in Israel currently stands at eight.
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Antonio Guterres – an instrument of Neocons

Biden: Israel’s Gaza Bombardment Is Not a ‘Significant Overreaction’

May 13, 2021
As Israeli bombs are pounding Gaza, the US is standing firmly behind its ally. President Biden on Thursday said the bombing campaign that has killed over 100 people is not a “significant overreaction.”
“I have my intelligence community, the Defense Department, as well as the State Department … in contact with all of their counterparts, not only in Israel, but in the region, and one of the things I have seen thus far is there has not been a significant overreaction,” Biden said.
Israel’s bombing campaign began on Monday after rockets were fired out of Gaza in response to the ongoing violence against Palestinians in East Jerusalem. The first barrage of Gaza rockets did minimal damage, only leaving one Israeli “lightly injured.” Israel responded by carrying out a series of airstrikes in Gaza that killed 20 Palestinians, including 10 children.
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