Biden Reportedly Tells Xi Jinping US Doesn’t Support ‘Taiwan’s Independence’

On Monday, a virtual summit between Chinese leader Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden took place, with the two leaders exchanging views on bilateral relations and issues of common interest. The online meeting was held amid rising tensions between Washington and Beijing.
US President Joe Biden said at the virtual meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping that the US adheres to the ‘one China’ policy and does not support “Taiwan’s independence”, China Central Television (CCTV) reported following the bilateral summit.”The US government will consistently and long-term adhere to the ‘one China’ policy, [the US] does not support ‘Taiwan’s independence’ and hopes to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region,” the TV channel quoted Biden as saying.
Joe Biden noted during the meeting that the US neither aims to change China’s system nor enter a conflict with Beijing, according to CCTV.
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Xi-Biden’s rare long virtual meet concludes, ‘injects certainty into bilateral ties’

Chinese President Xi Jinping had thorough and in-depth communication and exchanges with US President Joe Biden in a rare long virtual meeting on Tuesday morning (Beijing time) during which they discussed strategic, overarching and fundamental issues on bilateral relations.
The first face-to-face virtual meeting between the top two leaders lasted three hours and a half after they opened their talks on a friendly note. Chinese observers said that the meeting will inject certainty into the bilateral ties and is sending a signal that the two countries will cooperate in many areas despite they could not avoid fierce competition, and the fact that they are trying to manage competition is itself a positive sign for the world.
A video released by China Central Television showed that Xi hailed Biden as an old friend in the opening remarks, saying that he was very happy to see his old friend and it’s crucial for China and the US to work together in addressing common challenges.
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