Al-Aqsa flood… a slap to the Israeli security system

Fouad Bakr,
Foreign affairs department at DFLP
Oct 8, 2023

No one expected that this would be the response of the Palestinian resistance to the plan of the fascist and racist Israeli occupation government based on Judaization, displacement, expansion of settlements, annexation of lands, storming the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian camps in the West Bank, administrative arrests, and the liquidation of the Palestinian cause and the national rights of the Palestinian people who are struggling. For her more than 75 years.

Although Israel possesses the latest technologies, its security system failed to protect the settlers who reside in the Palestinian territories after they occupied them by force by committing crimes, killings and torture against the Palestinians, as a number of Palestinian resistance fighters were able to cross the border fence separating the Gaza Strip and the settlements. The illegal Israeli occupation, disrupting the ability of the Israeli occupation army, killing dozens of settlers occupying the Palestinian territories, capturing a number of them, and then returning to their positions in the Gaza Strip, This was also preceded by the launching of 5,000 missiles from the Gaza Strip towards these illegal settlements, which paralyzed the Israeli Iron Dome and the Israeli security system, which possesses surveillance and intelligence services, and spy drones. The joint Palestinian operations room, which includes all Palestinian factions, participated in this military operation. The most prominent of which are: Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine…

As for the West Bank, it witnessed moments of astonishment and astonishment due to the military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the killing of hundreds and the capture of 35 Israeli settlers. It also reacted to this event by organizing military and non-military celebratory marches in Palestinian cities, which led to clashes. Directly with the Israeli occupation forces that opened fire on Palestinian youth in Qalandia camp and Nablus.

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Israel closed the main northern entrance, causing a stifling traffic crisis, in addition to shooting in Hebron and the burning of the Israeli police station in the city of Jerusalem, in addition to confrontations in the city of Qalqilya during the Israeli occupation army’s storming of eastern Nablus, as well as in Jenin, Abu Dis, Ramallah, Tulkarm…

The Palestinian resistance called the attack on the Israeli settlements located on the border of the Gaza Strip Operation “Al-Aqsa Flood”, through which the professionalism of work and planning of the Palestinian resistance emerged, with the aim of regaining the initiative by the Palestinians, and their rejection of Saudi-Israeli normalization, which aims to liquidate their cause and deprive them of their national rights. Represented by ending the Israeli occupation of their lands, establishing their independent state with its capital, and the return of refugees to their land.

The Israeli occupation government considered the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation to be a terrorist operation, ignoring that it is an occupying state that occupies lands belonging to the Palestinian people, and that if it wants real peace in the Middle East, it must end the occupation. However, this operation indicates the following:

  • The failure of the Israeli security services and the Israeli Mossad to expose the Palestinian resistance plan despite all the capabilities and military support from the United States of America, and the failure of Israeli surveillance and espionage programs such as Pegasus, which it sold to Arab countries.
  • Full coordination between the Palestinian resistance factions and in complete secrecy, as the Palestinian resistance bet on parachutes to penetrate the border fence in the Gaza Strip, destroy Israeli tanks and open the way to advance towards the illegal settlements.
  • The emergence of a qualitative development in the work of the Palestinian resistance, which transformed primitive rockets and simple shells into semi-precise missiles that reach deep into Israel, which enabled it to capture Israeli soldiers to employ them in negotiations for the release of Palestinian prisoners in the occupation prisons who have been imprisoned for decades, and who have been suffering. From torture and medical negligence…
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Yes, it was a specific confrontation due to the racist policy implemented by the Israeli occupation government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, which is witnessing Israeli protests against it, and which leads to preventing the Arab regimes from signing peace agreements with Israel, and the Al-Aqsa Flood operation came after all diplomatic means to limit it were exhausted. From the Israeli occupation policy and its crimes against the Palestinian people.

In response to Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the Israeli occupation forces bombed civilians in the Gaza Strip, in addition to residential towers, resulting in 250 Palestinian martyrs and hundreds of wounded.

The Al-Aqsa Flood operation has an international dimension related to the Saudi-Israeli normalization path, and the economic corridors that the United States of America is trying to besiege China, Iran, and Russia, the most recent of which was the India-Middle East-Europe corridor.

Therefore, the extremist and fascist Israeli government knows that any military operation it carries out that crosses the red borders will ignite the Middle East region in defense of the Palestinian people, as it avoids a war that will be long and multi-front, as happened in the October War of 1973, but this time the Lebanese resistance intervenes. Iraq, Yemen, Syria…

Social networking sites were ablaze with congratulations to the Palestinian people for this qualitative military operation, in which the Palestinian Joint Operations Room participated, which includes all Palestinian resistance factions, especially the Arab peoples, who set off firecrackers in rejoicing over the historical achievement that had not occurred since the birth of Israel in 1948, and distributed Desserts and celebrations.

As for the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, and the Palestinian communities in Europe, including the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948, they will be on the lookout if the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are exposed to danger or Israeli blackmail, as each Palestinian arena has its own struggle. As happened in the Battle of Saif al-Quds in 2021, which marked a qualitative shift in the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

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The most deluded are those who think that the Palestinian people will accept to be a political card manipulated by major powers or a mail message to achieve their interests. The most delusional are those who think that the Palestinian people will accept political settlements that do not achieve their demands through which they will obtain their legitimate national rights. And the most delusional are those who think that peace in the Middle East It can happen without real justice and an end to the Israeli occupation of the occupied Palestinian territories. Just as the Battle of Saif al-Quds in 2021 ended a stage in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Al-Aqsa Flood operation opened a new page in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

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