A US “agent” and LGBTQ+ activist Kasselakis destroys SYRIZA

“Me and Tyler will change Greece,” says Kasselakis despite uncertain future in SYRIZA

Feb 19, 2024

“Me and Tyler will change Greece,” said the leader of Greece’s main opposition party SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis, a few days ago.

The first thing that comes in one’s mind is, of course: Who the hell is Tyler?

Tyler McBeth, 32, is the partner of Kasselakis whom he married in October 2023 in New York.

What are Tyler’s qualifications to “change Greece”? Practically none. Much to KTG’s knowledge the young American gym-freak is a “trained ICU nurse”. A noble qualification to save lives but not of the Greeks. It was last October, , when Kasselakis had heralded that Tyler will overhaul the Health system in Greece.

The logical question is then: Why didn’t Tyler improve the health system in the USA while the couple was still living there? The question remain unanswered until today.

Kasselakis and his political mega-ambitions

Joking aside, Tyler’s political career is not the only ambition of the leader of SYRIZA.

At a meeting with former minister of New Democracy and PASOK, high-ranking representatives of the business and the banking sector, world, of media and  – a local “Bilderberg club, so to say- Kasselakis revealed his plans for Greece.

First of all, he definitely wants to be a Prime Minister and roughly revealed what are his plans for the country politically.

He said that his family politically comes from socialist PASOK and praised its founder Andreas Papandreou.

Citing sources present at the meeting, REAL FM reported that Kassaelakis said:

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“I want to become prime minister with a bigger footprint than Andreas Papandreou.”

He elaborated that “the party I want to build will be Center in economic matters, ‘Andreas’ in National Affairs and Defense and progressive in the rest.”

He even appeared positive in a cooperation of the wider socialist space but not in the narrow party framework.

His dream has been a have a party like the Democratic party in the USA – even though he was a fan of the Republicans and behaves like Trump.

SYRIZA in turmoil due to leader’s arrogance

Meanwhile, within SYRIZA opposition is increasing against the leader the members have elected themselves in last September. Historical members are angry that he rules without taking them into account, ignoring them and the way the party functions.

As few days before the Party Congress scheduled to start on upcoming Thursday, leader Kasselakis invited members to participate on an online survey and express their opinion regarding the party’s identity, the logo and the name.

Angry about the leader who acts like the party belongs to him, the political secretariat conveyed an emergency meeting on Monday.

Before the meeting, the leader sent them a letter informing them about his …absence as he was in London to deliver a speech. Stressing that the questionnaire’s results would not be disclosed, Kasselakis urged the political secretariat members to refrain from “spreading conspiracy theories.”

After the emergency meeting on Monday, the political secretariat released a statement saying, “We are a party of members, not a party of officials, and certainly not a party led by one person.”

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“Another Political Secretariat meeting will be held Tuesday. We are embarking on the necessary democratic change,” the statement reportedly concluded.

According to sources, the division within Greece’s main opposition party is deepening, with the political secretariat proposing the immediate convening of the Central Committee before the start of Thursday’s scheduled Congress.

PS If apolitical Kasselakis continues to behave like a one-man political showman, he might miss the chance to “change Greece” with Tyler or not.

When Stefanos Kasselakis first appeared in the political scene last summer, was elected as SYRIZA leader in September and started to divide the party, I put my first bet on “February” as the month where the Central Committee would have the chance to get rid of him.

My second bet was for “June” right after the European Parliament elections.

Time will show.

Also read

Totalitarianism and the Left: Why Kasselakis (Goldman Sachs, US) took over the direct management of SYRIZA

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