Massive demonstrations take place in Europe in support of Gaza

The Netherlands, Sweden, France, Germany, and Italy all witnessed massive pro-Palestine protests condemning the Israeli war on Gaza.

May 11, 2024

Activists organized demonstrations in support of Palestine across major cities around the world as protests condemning the Israeli war on Gaza took over European cities in parallel with the ongoing pro-Palestine protests at universities.

The Netherlands 

In Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, tens of thousands of people took to the streets within the framework of “International Day of Action in Support of Gaza.”

The protesters held banners calling for an end to the ongoing Israeli genocide against Gaza.


In Malmo, Sweden, a massive demonstration took place in support of Palestine and condemnation of the Israeli crimes in Gaza.

The demonstrators urged for an end to the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip while carrying Palestinian flags and banners in support of Palestinians there.


In Paris, Strasbourg, Rennes, and other French cities hundreds of people demonstrated in solidarity with Palestine calling for an immediate ceasefire and condemning the Israeli war on Gaza.


After German police evacuated pro-Palestine protesters from the Free University of Berlin, a massive demonstration took place in the city of Mremen as students at the universities of Bonn and Bremen announced the launch of new encampments in support of Gaza.

In parallel, students at the University of Cologne have been protesting for more than a week now within the vicinity of the university squares in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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In Milan, Italy a massive march took place in support of Gaza and condemnation of the Israeli crimes in the Strip.

Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent confirmed that port workers in Britain were organizing a demonstration set to happen next week urging for a ban on arms exports from Britain to “Israel.”

Eurovision; microcosm of global disdain toward ‘Israel’ over Gaza

Thousands of demonstrators supporting the Palestinian cause and protesting the ongoing Israeli actions in Gaza congregated in the Swedish city of Malmo on May 9 to oppose “Israel’s” participation in the Eurovision Song Contest.

The demonstration coincided with the city’s hosting of the competition’s second semi-final, during which Israeli representative, Eden Golan, performed.

During a rehearsal of her song “Hurricane” on May 8, Golan faced jeers from the audience.

Before Golan’s performance, more than 12,000 pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered on the streets, as per the Swedish police.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was among the attendees at the pro-Palestinian demonstration, emphasizing, as quoted by BBC, the moral imperative to speak out and take action against Israeli aggression in Gaza.

“If we are tens of thousands of people flooding the streets of Malmo when Eurovision is taking place, saying we will not accept this to continue, then it’s a very strong signal – and it does make a difference,” Thunberg said.

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