World Meeting “All of Us Are Venezuela: Dialogue for Peace, Sovereignty and Bolivarian Democracy”


The representatives of the political, social, religious and trade union organizations, and the personalities and intellectuals from 60 countries of the world who have come together in Caracas from September 16 through September 19, 2017 on the occasion of the World Meeting “All of Us Are Venezuela: Dialogue for Peace, Sovereignty and Bolivarian Democracy”, firmly support the people and government of Venezuela in the face of the attacks of United States imperialism, which daily increases its destabilizing actions against the Bolivarian Fatherland. These actions have their most dramatic expression in the fascist violence unleashed between the months of April and July of the present year, which caused the regrettable balance of 115 deceased, thousands of wounded, general destruction and the psychological aggression exerted upon the entire Venezuelan people.

Today, the United States imperialism assumes the political aggression in direct form through President Donald Trump, who, in addition to threatening to employ his military forces against Venezuela, heads a diplomatic siege seldom encountered from the Organization of American States (OAS) with the participation of some governments in the area, with the purpose of undermining the force of the Bolivarian democracy. At the same time, through an Executive Order, he grants official character to the financial blockade he had already been practicing “to suffocate the Venezuelan economy”.

The imperialist aggression against the Bolivarian Revolution is a flagrant violation of the Declaration of Latin America and the Caribbean as Peace Zone, signed by the presidents of all the countries in the region during the Second Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC, as its Spanish acronym) held in Havana in January 2014, which defends the sovereign right of each country to define its own destiny without foreign meddling.

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The government of President Donald Trump, together with outstanding speakers of the Venezuelan anti-nationalist opposition, displays a plan aimed at destabilizing the State institutions by means of a group of actions that were revealed and defeated thanks to a high caliber political decision based on the philosophical thought of Commander Hugo Chávez, historical leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, namely the election, installation and implementation of the National Constituent Assembly.

The Constituent Assembly inaugurates a new historical moment for the Venezuelan people by ratifying and strengthening the bases of the social, democratic, rightful and just State as described by the Bolivarian Constitution of 1999. At the same time, it secured peace in a very clear demonstration of the failure of the extreme rightist forces that staged the horror of general violence.

The representatives of the political, social, religious and trade union organizations, and the personalities and intellectuals who attended the World Meeting “All of Us Are Venezuela: Dialogue for Peace, Sovereignty and Bolivarian Democracy”, are firmly convinced of the importance of the political dialogue promoted by President Nicolás Maduro, whose most recent expression was the meeting held in the Dominican Republic by the representatives of the Bolivarian Government with those of the so-called Table of Democratic Union (Mesa de Unidad Democrática), an alliance that brings together the elements of the Venezuelan opposition. We therefore firmly support the proposal of dialogue promoted by the Bolivarian Government.

We underline that, quite in opposition to the pronouncements of extreme rightist elements in different parts of the world with support of the big multinationals of disinformation, the organization of the democratic elections has continued its course. In Venezuela, in a few weeks there will be regional elections, while municipal and presidential elections will take place in 2018, as well as the referendum that will confirm or not the new constitutional text being elaborated by the National Constituent Assembly. What other country in the world can exhibit a democratic practice of such great dimension?

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Therefore, we all condemn the despicable lies, the false news and the distortions of the Venezuelan reality, as main strategy aimed at discrediting the Bolivarian Revolution and President Nicolás Maduro’s legitimate government.

We likewise support the effort that the government and people of Venezuela are making to overcome the earnest problems derived from the economic war led by the highest circles of the United States government.

Our commitment with the Bolivarian peace, sovereignty and democracy is intimately linked to the development of a wide and permanent solidarity in each country, promoted by each democratic political, social, religious and trade union organization taking part in this Meeting.

The defense of the Bolivarian Revolution is an unavoidable duty of the peoples of Latin America, the Caribbean and the world, conscious that in Venezuela we are defending the right to sovereignty, independence, self-determination and integration of all our peoples.

As expressed by José Martí, by defending the independence of Venezuela we will prevent the United States from falling with that increased force upon our lands in America.

Caracas, September 19, 2017