Who Was Behind the Downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17?

By Michel Chossudovsky
Mar 29, 2024

Author’s Note:

The earlier posting on March 29 provided a detailed summary.
This revised version dated April 2, 2023 includes my detailed report entitled:

The Downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17 The Quest for Truth and Justice. Review of the Evidence

The above report refutes the official narrative, which blames the Kremlin for the downing of MH17.

Michel Chossudovsky, April 2, 2024

Introduction. The Crocus City Hall Attack (March 2024) vs. the Downing of MH-17 (July 2014)

The Western media are accusing president Putin of implementing a “False Flag” in relation to the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack:

“After all, Putin has used terror attacks in the past as a pretext to clamp down on dissent inside Russia” says Radio Free Europe

“Concert hall attack dents Putin’s tough image. He tries to use it to rally support for Ukraine war” (AP)

“ISIS bears sole responsibility for this attack,” U.S. National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said in a statement. “There was no Ukrainian involvement whatsoever.” (CNN)

Who Was Behind it? Bombshell Statement by Russia’s Federal Security Bureau (FSB)

On March 26, 2024, the head of Russia’s Federal Security Bureau (FSB)  Alexander Bortnikov responding to journalists probing the question as to  Who Was Behind the Terrorists?  

Bortnikov stated unequivocally that the United States, Great Britain and Ukraine were involved.

According to Gilbert Doctorow: “Bortnikov is by definition a member of Vladimir Putin’s inner circle of advisors.” Bortnikov’s statement was made in consultation with President Putin.

The Crocus City Hall terrorist attack has resulted in more than 300 deaths.

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Bortnikov pointed his finger at Ukraine’s SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) which on March 25 was targeted by Russian missiles.

“According to sources from the Kyiv Post, the missiles were aimed at the premises where high-ranking SBU officials are located.”

Flight MH-17: Flash Back to July 2014

On 17 July 2014, a few months after the Euromaidan Coup d’état, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) was shot down in Eastern Ukraine, resulting in more than 300 deaths.

In chorus, both the media and Western governments accused Russia without a shred of evidence.

While FSB Head Alexander Bortnikov was fully aware of the role of Ukraine’s SBU Intelligence (See below), the Kremlin decided to limit its response. It denied any role in the downing the MH-17 flight, while also refusing to turn over the four men to stand trial in the Netherlands.

In August 2019, I  presented a carefully documented report entitled The Downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17: The Quest for Truth and Justice to the Kuala Lumpur MH17 Conference  organized by JUST, the PGPF and the CRG in collaboration with the International Islamic University of Malaysia.

In many regards, the Crocus City Hall Terrorist attack reveals the falsehoods and manipulation of the evidence pertaining to the Downing of the MH 17 flight in July 2014.

In both cases, the West accuse Russia of waging a false flag.

It also confirms the insidious role of  Ukraine’s intelligence agency (SBU) which was behind the MH-17 operation. (see below)

Continue reading at michelchossudovsky.substack.com

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