Wages in Greece have dropped at unprecedented rate of 30%

Apr. 25, 2024

Greeks have become the second poorest in the EU after Bulgaria the Eurostat stated recently. The economic hit is nearly unprecedented in modern times, only comparable to the US Great Depression in the 1930s.

The shocking reality is felt each and every day by the majority of Greeks, despite the fact that the government reassures also each and every day that the economy is thriving.

Today, newspaper Financial Times took the issue under scrutiny and come to the result that:

The Greek economy is today about 19 per cent smaller than in 2007 while the EU economy as a whole has risen by 17 per cent.


Real wages, in Greece have been steadily declining and are down 30 per cent from their pre-financial crisis levels, leaving the country with one of the lowest average salaries among developed economies.


with information by @Nicholas_D


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