Vucic: Peace is priceless, Serbia will maintain it

Peace is priceless and Serbia will maintain it regardless of what others may say or think, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the Sarajevo daily Avaz.

Mar 15, 2022

SARAJEVO – Peace is priceless and Serbia will maintain it regardless of what others may say or think, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the Sarajevo daily Avaz.

“As you can see, we remain literally silent in the face of all political statements that are made. We remain silent and we mention nothing because people who would like to play with the wrong statements in politics do not think about the fact that one wrong thing can lead to madness,” Vucic said.

“There is already too much madness in the world and any kind of madness in the region would be just more than we can handle. But we will maintain peace,” Vucic said in an interview, in which he also discussed the Ukraine crisis and a potential escalation of the situation in the Western Balkans.

Commenting on Serbia’s ban on wheat exports and possible food shortages due to the crisis, Vucic said all countries in the region would have sufficient quantities of wheat.

“We, of course, have sufficient quantities of wheat for Serbia. We have more than enough, but it is pointless to say we have enough of something for ourselves if people in the neighbourhood do not have that. As far as that is concerned, Serbia will be open. We have already received the first requests from Albania and we are working on them.”

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“The crisis will be so massive, not only regarding this issue, but regarding many other issues as well, because the situation will not be calming down – on the contrary, it will get even worse and more difficult, so we will have to cooperate and help each other on all issues,” he said.

“Serbia is ready to talk and we will see how we can help. Someone has mentioned 15,000 t (of wheat) and now it is a bit more than that but, at the end of the day, that quantity will definitely go to Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Vucic said.

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