US Alt-Right: against Iran and CNN!

CNN Faces Backlash After Pro-Iran Regime Coverage

Fake news media coverage favorable to Iranian dictatorship

CNN’s recent coverage of protests in Iran have sparked outrage on social media after the liberal news outlet appeared to report only on pro-regime demonstrations.

After virtually no coverage Friday, CNN put out an article Saturday morning originally titled “Iranians Hold Pro-Government Rallies,” which got the attention of conservatives in both media and Congress.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) also weighed in, evoking the Soviet Communist Party propaganda “newspaper” Pravda in a tweet.

“Guys, when you’re being accused of being fake news propaganda, maybe try not to write stories that read like Iranian Pravda….(or the Onion!)”

Cruz also gave a statement on Facebook calling for the U.S. to support the Iranian people.

I strongly support and stand in solidarity with the Iranian people who are bravely taking to the streets to speak out…

Geplaatst door Ted Cruz op vrijdag 29 december 2017

CNN has since updated its article, now entitled “Iran’s Government Warns Against ‘Illegal’ Gatherings After Protests.”

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Although CNN is not using the more appropriate and accurate headline “Iranian People Protesting Tyrannical Islamic Regime Across Country,” it’s still a step in the right direction.

To be fair, CNN’s own Jake Tapper has been providing decent coverage of the Iranian protests in Saturday morning tweets and retweets.

Still, it’s not surprising CNN would do such a thing. Lately they’ve been off their game with recent coverage, such as earlier this month when it reported on an email sent to Donald Trump Jr. offering special access to WikiLeaks documents – only for it to be revealed that those documents were already on public record.