Undaunted pianist plays on as riot police pursue Yellow Vests through Paris train station

21 Sep, 2019

Yellow Vest protesters seeking respite from tear gas in a Paris train station were accompanied by an unexpected live soundtrack as a talented pianist played on nearby, undeterred by the melée around him.

Playing on a public piano, the musician added a dreamlike quality to the tense situation.

Demonstrators, taking to the streets for the 45th week of nationwide protests, sought refuge inside the capital’s Saint-Lazare station after police fired tear gas outside to disperse crowds.

Security forces then followed the protesters into the station in an attempt to flush them out and evacuate the building.

Police in Paris arrested over 100 people on Saturday, according to official figures, and more than 7,000 officers have been deployed in the capital alone for Saturday’s rallies. Protesters set some vehicles and trash alight in parts of the city, as police blocked off areas including the Champs-Elysees.

Published at https://www.rt.com/news/469305-france-yellow-vests-piano-stlazare/

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