UN calls for talks to end Bolivia crisis as death toll rises

Nov.18, 2019
A Bolivian official said a United Nations envoy is urging the government of the Andean country’s interim president and supporters of self-exiled leader Evo Morales to begin talks on resolving a crisis that has already claimed 23 lives and is causing food shortages.
The official said on Sunday that negotiations proposed by Jean Arnault would involve legislators from Morales’ party, mobilised groups and representatives of interim leader Jeanine Anez and be mediated by the UN and Roman Catholic Church.
Bolivia remains in limbo one week after Morales, a charismatic left-wing and former coca farmer, resigned over allegations of vote tampering. legislators have yet to agree on a date for new elections.
Read more at https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/11/calls-talks-bolivia-crisis-death-toll-rises-191118021548919.html

Venezuela: Maduro Denounces Bribery Attempts on Army Officers

17 November 2019
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro denounced this Sunday that the country’s right-wing has received more than US$400 million with the objective of buying politicians, policemen and members of the Bolivarian National Armed Force, to put them at the service of foreign nations’ interests.
During an interview for the ‘Jose Vicente Hoy’ show, Maduro affirmed that despite bribes, the Venezuelan Armed Forces have remained loyal to the Constitution, the Venezuelan people, and the Bolivarian Revolution.
However, the head of state informed there are people imprisoned for giving in or being caught taking such illegal money.
Read more at https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/nicolas-maduro-denounces-attempted-bribery-on-military-officers-20191117-0004.html

Food shortages cripple Bolivia, new elections still uncertain

November 17, 2019

LA PAZ (Reuters) – Bolivians languished in long lines on the streets of La Paz on Sunday to secure chicken, eggs and cooking fuel as supporters of ousted President Evo Morales crippled the country’s highways, isolating population centers from lowland farms. Presidency minister Jerjes Justiniano told reporters the government of interim President Jeanine Anez had established an “air bridge” to supply La Paz, using planes to bypass barricades on highways surrounding the highland capital. He said officials hoped to do the same with other cities cut off from supplies.
Bolivia remained in limbo one week after Morales, a charismatic leftist and former coca farmer, resigned over allegations of vote-tampering. Lawmakers have yet to agree on a date for new elections.
Read more at https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bolivia-election/food-shortages-cripple-bolivia-new-elections-still-uncertain-idUSKBN1XR0J9

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