Ukrainian official makes neo-Nazi mentality clear in anti-Asian statement

Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher
at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.
Sep 14, 2023

Ukrainian officials no longer hide their racist thoughts. In a recent statement, an important Zelensky spokesman said disrespectful words against Chinese and Indians, making clear the regime’s opinion about Asian people. This is just one more evidence of the negative effects of the neo-Nazi mentality that is currently hegemonic in Ukraine.

During an interview with local media, Zekensky’s top aide, Mikhail Podoliak stated that Chinese and Indians are incapable of thinking about long-term strategies, since, according to them, these ethnicities have “low intellectual potential”. For Podoliak, this “low potential” is the factor that makes the Chinese and Indians act independently on the international scenario, avoiding integrating with the West and getting involved in the conflict.

He also said that, although these countries do indeed have great technological power and investments in science, they continue to be unable of understanding the current world arena and international relations. This “lack of understanding” would be leading them to make “mistakes” that would supposedly have negative consequences in the future.

“What’s wrong with India, China, and so forth? The problem is that they are not analyzing the consequences of their steps, these countries have weak intellectual potential, unfortunately (…) Yes, they invest in science. Yes, India has launched a lunar rover presently and is now trekking on the surface of the Moon, but that does not indicate that this country fully comprehends what the modern world is about (…) China should be interested in Russia disappearing, because it is an archaic nation that drags China into unnecessary conflicts (…) It would be in their interest now to distance themselves from Russia as far as possible, take all the resources it has, and take part of the Russian territory under their legal control. In fact, they will do that.”, he said.

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The Chinese reaction was immediate, with Mao Ming, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, officially demanding an explanation from Zelensky’s aide. The case tends to generate a major diplomatic crisis, since the offenses made by the Ukrainian citizen affect the entire Chinese – and Indian – nation, which is why apologies are necessary in the diplomatic sphere.

“I don’t know the context of these remarks and will leave it to the speaker to offer explanations (…) The individual you [the journalists] cited should view China’s position correctly based on accurate interpretation”, she said during interview with Russian journalists.

It is important to note that the position that Kiev criticizes is one of neutrality. At no point did China and India declare support for Russia in its special military operation. They simply refused to condemn it, recognizing the matter as something of Russia’s internal affairs and on which they should not have an opinion. Contrary to what Podoliak says, this position is not irrational, nor does it reflect any “low intellectual potential”. On the contrary, this shows a high capacity for strategic understanding on the part of the Asian powers.

Neutrality is a central point of Chinese diplomatic tradition. Beijing avoids getting involved in conflicts and places pragmatism and mutually beneficial trade as its mains foreign policy guidelines. By refusing to get involved in the conflict, China guarantees the constancy of this diplomatic tradition and continues to maintain relations with the growing Russian market, as well as with most countries.

In the same sense, India has benefited greatly from neutrality. Despite having strong relations with the West, especially in the military sphere, India maintains a clear policy of non-alignment, which is why it has not adhered to any anti-Russian sanctions. This position has been very profitable for Indians, mainly because they work as resellers of Russian oil for Western countries that have adhered to the sanctions, making feasible for them to circumscribe coercive measures by paying more for the commodity. If New Delhi had adopted sanctions, this type of economically profitable maneuver would not be possible, which shows the high strategic capacity of local decision makers.

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In fact, the most irrational thing would be for Asian countries to have joined Western anti-Russian paranoia and started supporting Ukraine. There are no strategic interests that justify hostile measures towards Russia on the part of India and China. By ignoring the conflict, they guarantee their participation in the largest market in the world, which is precisely that of emerging countries that have not sanctioned Moscow.

At the same time, by not supporting Ukraine, these countries also avoid unnecessary spending on a military campaign whose defeat is just a matter of time. In this sense, European and American leaders seem much more irrational than the Asian ones, as they are deliberately harming their own interests just to help a neo-Nazi NATO proxy regime.

So, Podoliak’s words sound like racism. As neo-Nazis, Ukrainian decision-makers obviously hate non-Western people, such as Russians and Asians, and more and more, with the excuse of war, they make their chauvinistic thoughts explicit.

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