Tragic situation: beds do not reach Attica hospitals

March 22, 2021

Images of the war in the NSS • All Covid intensive care beds in public hospitals are full. • Doctors and parties are demanding the closure of private clinics.

The situation in Attica’s public hospitals goes beyond the area battling Covid-19 cases, with dozens of daily receptions creating an explosive reality.

Currently all the intensive care beds for Covid are full, while in on the waiting list and temporarily hospitalized in single beds. According to President POEDIN Michalis Janakas, made patient selection doctors, while he emphasizes that “hospitalized patients with coronavirus have a ranch.”

As Mr. Giannakas emphasizes, every day the on-duty hospital of Attica “fills two clinical patients with“ Covid-19, ”reducing the function of common diseases,increased morbidity and mortality for other reasons. ”He adds that“ ambulances are reminiscent of military machines in wartime… show the collapse of primary care and the difficulty of admission to a hospital with controlled symptoms due to lack of space. “Positive cases are detected in their homes unattended, and when they arrive at the Amen, their ambulance delivers to the hospital.”

As far as “ChromePresident POEDIN, who set up the Covid Clinic with 37 mentally ill people, speaks of a “soul warehouse” and a “cemetery of mentally ill people with coronavirus due to lack of infrastructure and staff”, announcing that on Tuesday report to the prosecutor.

They are asking for clinics

In any case, intensive care beds in public hospitals are not enough to cope with the ever-increasing number of intubations that set a new negative record every day.

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He also drew attention to the above-mentioned fact Elias Sioras (cardiologist, vice president of EINAP and president of the workers’ union “Evangelismos”), emphasizing that the recruitment of private doctors initiated by the government is insufficient. He pointed out that “beds do not reach the public sector” and urged private clinics to address this borderline situation.

It is noted that the imposition of individuals for several months was a request of many opposition parties in order to disorganize the NSS and more effectively combat the pandemic. In fact, today the president of SYRIZA-PS, Alexis Tsipras (who visited the Red Cross Hospital and held meetings with the administration and medical staff) described the “picture of martial law”, referring to the enormous pressure exerted by Attica hospitals, expressing the need to book private clinics to support the NSS.

“The NSS is in deep red. The government has finally ordered the services of private doctors to cover new clinics in hospitals. As we suggested. But this is not enough. It is necessary to follow the order of private clinics,” he said. Fofi Gennimata, leader of the Movement for Change.

For his part, the competent Minister of Health, Vasilis Kikilias, speaking to the ANT1’s main news bulletin, acknowledged that the NSS was in the “minus” and calculated that “this week will also be difficult”.

However, the minister has not announced anything more substantial to improve the situation in public hospitals with everything that implies what will happen in the coming days.

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