Tony Blair enters the war against Jeremy Corbyn

Marxists are running Labour: Blair FURIOUS at Corbyn- warning ‘revolution’ will KILL party

TONY BLAIR has launched a blistering attack on Labour’s radical election manifesto with a stark warning that “revolutions” like the one promised by Jeremy Corbyn always end badly.
By Brian McGleenon
Mr Blair said: “The problem with revolutions is that they always end badly.” He is the only eader to win three elections, and described how his party was now controlled by its “Marxist-Leninist wing” and that its leader was promising a revolution. He added: “The problem with revolutions is never how they begin but how they end.”
Mr Blair said he did not know whether Labour, which has tacked sharply to the left under Mr Corbyn, would ever return to the centre ground of British politics, but added: “We must set about the urgent task of reconstructing the sensible mainstream of British politics.”
“Otherwise, this laboratory experiment in populism running riot will end very badly for our nation.”

Tony Blair should be prosecuted over Iraq war, high court hears

Lawyer for former Iraqi general argues former PM should face trial due to legal precedent set during Nuremburg hearings
By Owen Bowcott

The Chilcot inquiry’s conclusion that the invasion of Iraq was unnecessary and undermined the United Nations requires the prosecution of Tony Blair, the high court has heard.
In his opening argument calling for a war crimes trial in Britain, Michael Mansfield QC said that the offence of waging an aggressive war has effectively been assimilated into English law.
The attempt to bring Blair – with the former foreign secretary Jack Straw and the former attorney general Lord Goldsmith – to court has been launched by the former Iraqi general Abdulwaheed al-Rabbat.
Rabbat, said Mansfield, was motivated by last year’s publication of the report of the Chilcot inquiry into the 2003 Iraq war.

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