Thousands of kids across Britain take to the streets demanding government fights climate change

By Peter Lazenby

THOUSANDS of students at more than 80 schools across Britain walked out on strike today, demanding government action to fight climate change.

Marches, rallies and other events were staged in major towns and cities.

The strikes were organised by the UK Schools Climate Network (UKSCN), set up by volunteers who had been inspired by young people mobilising against climate change.

In some places, student strikers were joined by supporters of Extinction Rebellion (XR).

In Birmingham, students, XR activists and the Red Rebels group joined forces, marching through the city handing out handmade red roses and “love poems to the planet.”

UKSCN is demanding that the government draw up a green new deal to transform the economy and for the climate crisis to be placed on the school curriculum.

The group also wants “publicisation” of the crisis, young people to get the vote from the age of 16 and proportional representation in general elections.

“With 200 species going extinct every day and water scarcity affecting up to 360 million people, our objectives have never been more relevant,” said UKSCN.

Strikes and rallies also took place in Leeds and Bradford, where councils are considering plans to expand Leeds Bradford airport.

A UKSCN spokesperson said: “We feel that, facing a lethal ecological crisis, we as a generation must take direct action where the older generation has failed.

“As Greta Thunberg said: ‘You don’t have to school-strike, it’s your own choice. But why should we be studying for a future that soon may be no more?’

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“Protesting and striking is our best way to force the government to take action.”

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