The Vocation to Contest the Hegemon

A Romanian Contribution against American Global Empire

Preface by Iurie Roșca to the book of Calistrat M. Atudorei

At the present time, thirty years after the defeat of the USSR and the entire “socialist camp” in the Cold War, which was followed by the mental, political, military and economic colonization of the losers’ camp, to write about American imperialism is to consciously take all the risks. Especially when, unlike other geographical areas associated with the Third World (Africa, Asia, Latin America), who have accumulated enough historical experience to know their oppressors, the former communist space in Eastern Europe is still strongly dominated by the propagandistic myths of the occupying power. Thus, posi­tioning yourself against the current is risky because the new type of totalitarianism, seemingly “sweeter” than the ones already in the past, sanctions its contestants without the right to appeal. Their stigmatization and ostracization by the mercenary mob of the hegemonic force with opinion makers’ claims, experts and NGO activists who have the role of the new clergy is guaranteed. Under these conditions, those few voices who dare to rise to their full stature in front of the deluge of the treacherous and multifaceted propaganda of American expansionism deserve all the appreciation. Because they assume the full weight of the mission to awaken their community from the state of fascination, intellectual and volitional paralysis, urging people to regain their critical spirit.

Namely such an effort is undertaken by the Romanian author Calistrat M. Atudorei.

In a morally and economically devastated Romania, politically and militarily vassalized, in which those who terribly suffer because of the effects of a ruthless foreign domination continue to venerate their aggressors, delaying to decode the true causes of the catastrophe in which they fell, the present book constitutes a true travel guide through the history of American hegemonism, as well as through its current manifestation. Such a task is not easy at all if we take into account the fact that after decades of brainwashing under the communist regime, several decades of indoctrination followed, much more treacherous, a neo-liberal, globalist, neoconservative one. And if under the former communist regime for the Soviet-dominated peoples the sun rises from Moscow, under the current regime of “disaster capitalism” (Naomi Klein), nations colonized by the Ame­rican empire are suggested that the life-giving star ascends to heaven from Washington.

The contrast between the “Empire of the Evil,” associated with the dead USSR, and the “Benevolent Empire,” embodied by the US that is at the zenith of its planetary power, being fully speculated by Western influence networks, still has a large audience in the former space area. And this is because the terror of history has been so painful for the Eastern Europeans, that many of them have not even noticed that it is demanded to them to reject a dead empire for the sake of another empire, which is alive and so arrogant like its disappeared antipode and which pretends to have the saving functions of a new earthly paradise.

Calistrat M. Atudorei is part of the minority camp of the true national elite, which forms the new dissent towards the external governance and its internal tools. Having the function of a real therapy for the collective diseases of an intellectual nature that have affected the Romanian society so deeply, our author’s book is based on extensive documentation, historical and geopolitical works, declassified official documents, declarations of many statesmen, etc. By practicing a careful reading of this work which is elaborated with exemplary rigor, anyone wishing to focus on cited sources could assemble a library that would contain books dealing with the history of the expansionism of the only planetary hyperpower on a global scale.

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Thus, the story of American exceptionalism, of its imperialist essence — from Manifest Destiny, and the Monroe Doctrine to military interventions in all corners of the world, from secret operations through the CIA or NATO such as the Gladio network during the Cold War to the extension of the North-Atlantic Alliance to the East and military invasions in Afghanistan, Iran, Libya and Syria, from the sinister 9/11 event (also called “false flag operation”) to Trump’s obsessive insistence on pretexting the invasion of Iran, from the partnership between Israel and the US (which appear to be the satellite of the former) to the economic wars with Russia, Europe or China—is exposed in a manner that leaves no room for doubt or misinterpretation.

Therefore the abundance of the factual material presented with skill by this researcher who is well-versed in the subject addressed saves you from slipping into arbitrary judgments. This is not about superficial impressions or opinions, but a perfectly articulated chain of irrefutable evidence and arguments. Thus, it is a book with antidote functions indispensable for overcoming the idolatrous state of admiration induced by American mass culture.

Mr. Calistrat M. Atudorei’s initiative to translate his book into English is extremely welcome. This is because he is perfectly aware of the need for full inclusion in the large global debate on the causes of catastrophic economic and social imbalances, which affect the absolute majority of the countries of the world, as well as, actually, a large majority of the Western citizens who have been degraded to the condition of precariat by the sharks of market fundamentalism. Here the principle “know your enemy,” applied especially in the art of war, is the one that motivates our author’s whole effort, an authorer to contribute to the clarification of the harmful role of the speech masters and of the global action means.

When referring to the world hegemony of the US, the author points out that in fact the first victim of such a policy is the American people itself who became captive of more or less hidden centers of power (called in various ways: global oligarchy, the military-industrial complex, the financial-banking elite, etc.), centers that usurped the real power in the state and transformed the democratic political system into a simulacrum for the use of masses subject to sophisticated social engineering.

Calistrat M. Atudorei shows that the US as an empire with pretention of absolute global supremacy tends to impose its dominance both through non-military wars — cultural, ideological, media, economic — as well as through direct military invasions aiming to punish regimes and nations that do not want to be subjected to them. Working with consistent arguments, the author emphasizes that the plans of subjugation of the whole world are neither recent nor do they relate to the preferences of people who become US presidents. On closer examination, the so-called hosts of the White House appear to us like ordinary puppets in the hands of forces behind the curtain. See in this regard, for example, the current US President Donald Trump’ case, who abandoned his electoral rhetoric, being shaped by the “Deep State” on the line of serving the interests of this all-powerful nebula to the detriment of the American people and peace in the world.

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And not to leave the reader, who is subjected to a permanent media bombardment, with the impression that the excesses of US foreign policy would be accidental manifestations of a Trump, Obama or Bush, Calistrat M. Atudorei meticulously deals with US political history based on some indisputable sources. Here is the information that refers to only a few US military interventions during the Cold War, analyzed by the author: North Korea (1950–1953), Iran (1953), Vietnam (1955–1975), Laos (1964–1973), Cuba (60s-80s), Nicaragua (80s), Iraq (1991).

But if the wars of aggression listed above, being relatively recent in historical terms, could be known at least at a summary level to the readers, the exposure made by the author over a much longer period of time will certainly be an absolute novelty for many of them.

Here is a quote from the book, extracted from the CONCLUSIONS chapter, which refers to the US military interventions over 200 years. The source quoted by the author is the prestigious American daily “National Interest” of December 10, 2017, the article being signed by Monica Duffy Toft and entitled “Why is America Addicted to Foreign Interventions?” ( feature/ why-america-addicted-foreign-interventions-23582). These are statistics grouped over several periods of 50 years, the figures being taken from an analysis published in October 2017 by the Congres­sional Research Service:

“Between 1800 and 1849 there were 39 military interventions. Between 1850 and 1899 the US militarily invaded other states 47 times. During the period 1900–1949 (without taking into account the operations of the two world wars), there were documented other 69 military aggressions committed by the USA. From 1950 to 1999 there were 111. And from 2000 to 2017, so only in 17 years, the United States has attacked other countries 126 times. The report also shows that since the end of the Cold War the United States has engaged in more wars than ever before: 188 military interventions through which it attacked other states.”

Therefore, any country that would show minimal disagreement with the American hawks’ zeal to dominate the world could at any time become the target of a direct military attack in their never-ending crusade called “regime change wars.” Of course, with the exception of nuclear powers that seem to be a bit safer than the other states. Such threats naturally determined several countries’ tendency, noted by the author, to overcome through joint efforts what after the disap­pearance of the USSR was called the “unipolar moment” and to reestablish the international order on the basis of the principle of multipolarity. Will the countries of Western Europe, reduced after the Second World War to the role of docile satellite of the USA through organizations such as NATO and the EU, succeed in regaining their political, military, economic but also civilizational sovereignty? But what about the countries of Central and Eastern Europe that have slipped from the status of colonies of the USSR to that of colonies of a corporate West with their headquarters in Washington? Will they manage to escape the suffocating embrace of the new “Empire of Absolute Evil?” Our author gives no answers to these questions. Such a task was not pursued by him. But his undeniable merit consists in carrying out a very thorough and methodical research of the current state of affairs on a planetary scale. Which is vital for the search for realistic ways to redress this intolerable state of affairs.

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The author of these lines had the privilege to see the lamentable end of the terrible communist empire. Thirty years ago, those who admitted that a state of affairs that seemed to be established forever, could change in a very short time were very few. Everything seemed immutable, opaque, sordid and hopeless. In the beginning, there were few who dared to rise up openly against the regime. They seemed to be really reckless or even crazy. The same story is repeated at the present time. Those who, like Calistrat M. Atudorei, stand up against the System which constitutes another form of totalitarianism, revealing its monstrous essence may seem far from reality. The fact that the world is an American-centric one because otherwise it cannot be, appears to many as an axiomatic certainty. As well as the role of planetary benefactor assigned by the US. Although it is only a fake induced with ability in the collective mentality of peoples.

Those who will read this book carefully will be shocked to find Uncle Sam, who once seemed so nice, appearing in all his ugliness. Thus, the reading of this work is an extremely important exercise for a better understanding of the realities. In this way our vision on today’s world, distorted in recent decades by the entire arsenal of American persuasion and seduction, could substantially change and gain the necessary clarity.

About Iurie Roșca 

Iurie Roșca is a Moldovan author specialized in geopolitical and sociological topics, journalist, publisher and translator. He has had a long political career as a leader of the anti-communist movement, being engaged in the struggle for national liberation from the Soviet empire. He was a member of the national parliament four times between 1994 and 2009, twice vice-chairman of the legislative body, and deputy-prime minister of the Moldovan government.
During the last ten years he has manifested himself as a political scientist, publisher and civic activist, with a Christian, traditionalist, Eurosceptic and anti-Atlantist vision.
His activity was always accompanied by risks and persecutions, physical assaults and attempts to imprison him. But despite these risks, he believes that he is happy that he managed to be twice a dissident in the course of a single life, first against USSR domination and then against US domination.
IurieRoșca is the author of numerous articles and several books, among which ”Getting out of the Dark” (1995), ”Lucidity Exercises” (2000), ”The Notes of a Christian Optimist”(2012), ”Moldova, the Part that Became Whole”(2013), ”The Fall from USSR in EU. Antiliberal Chronicles” (2014), ”Orthodoxy and Economic Nationalism” (2017), ”The Red Devils Conspiracy.100 Years since Bolshevik Coup d’État. Interviews” (2017), etc.
He is the initiator of an international conference held annually in the capital of his country, Moldova, Chișinau Forum, which brings together anti-System intellectuals from Western countries, from the ex-communist area, and the Middle East.