The reasons and repercussions of European positions on Palestine in light of the growing role of right-wing parties.

By Marwan Emil Toubassi*

After more than a hundred days of the israeli ongoing war of annihilation against our Palestinian people in general, one of the outcomes of this impact, and perhaps the most important because of its repercussions on the geopolitical structure that was built after the end of the Cold War, is the clear inability of international organizations to influence or stop certain conflicts. This is related to dominance which imposes double standards by which different positions are measured according to the interests of the unipolar  international system that still prevails but is declining.

Since the end of the collapse of the Eastern Socialist bloc, the unipolar world order has been stabilized until now through all forms of hegemony led by the United States, which imposed its policies and positions on its allies, specifically on the European Union countries, which today are suffering from mounting hysteria in the face of the new neoliberal crisis , on the one hand, and the repercussions of Britain’s exit from the Union on the other hand, and the repercussions of NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine and the US-European sanctions on Russia, as well as the threats against China on the third hand, as well as what is happening now in terms of implementing the war of genocide in Gaza and what is happening in the West Bank and Jerusalem as well and in the Middle East in general on other hand.

All of this has become reflected on the peoples of Europe, who have begun to pay a high price for these policies, including energy, the collapsed economic conditions, dependent political positions, and the subsequent emergence of millions of popular demonstrations in European cities against the policies of the European Union and its member states and the austerity measures of their governments that control them. It includes right-wing or conservative centre-right parties, or even the extreme populist right in some of them.

Activities of opposition to official European policies biased towards Israeli positions in general have also spread and begun to appear among a number of EU countries, which has become a threat to the interests of some European ruling regimes.

As long as the European Union continues to revolve in the orbit of the United States and Israeli influences due to various factors and determinants and moves towards the United States and follows the pattern of its foreign policies on most world issues, it cannot enjoy the independence of political decision-making, specifically regarding the issue of our Palestinian people and the required firm position on  the crimes of the Israeli occupation state.

Even the transfer of European Union funds, the continuation of which was approved by a decision earlier, will be disbursed to the Palestinian National Authority through Norway and monitored by the United States to ensure that no amounts are disbursed to Gaza or to the families of our martyrs and prisoners.

The victory of the right wing in a number of European countries faced the decline of the left parties there as a result of the financial pressures and blackmails that governments led by leftist parties in Europe were subjected to by America and the European Bank, as well as Israeli interventions, these are some of the reasons that explain the right wing parties victory in most, if not all, European countries, in order to achieve the United States’ interests in Europe and in the process of its conflicts that were created . This also achieves the interests of the Israeli extreme right in our region and even the alliances of the global neo liberal right , which is still waiting for Trump to win the upcoming elections and for Netanyahu to remain at the head of this political axis in a way that serves the global Zionist movement and its allies from the conservative right parties in the United States and Europe, which have become inclined towards promoting Islamophobia, hostility to immigration issues, and discrimination against those who are not of the pure white race.

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These developments hinder the possibility of curbing the expansion of the European right wing and open the way even for the possibility of the far-right, populist, and neo-Nazi forces coming to power in those countries, and open the way for the continued rule of the right-wing and center-right parties in them, especially with the expansion of the issues of disparities and the identity crisis between the various left-wing parties. Which led to its decline and to the impediment of the existence of clear and explicit policies towards opposing the Israeli occupation, which also prevents the official recognition of the State of Palestine by the European Union countries in accordance with the recommendations of many of the parliaments of those countries and leaves it a dead letter if the rule of the right-wing parties continues in it, unlike what is happening, for example, in Spain. For the path of recognition of the State of Palestine due to the presence of leftist parties in power there.

This is what led to the European right, which cannot yet shed the guise of colonialism or depart from the orbit of American policies. Its positions are characterized by hypocrisy, lies, deception, and even defense of the crimes of the modern settler-colonial state, “Israel.”

The French government joined the German government in affirming that international law regarding genocide does not apply to Israel, and since the Jews were subjected to genocide, Israel, according to their claim, enjoys moral and legal immunity from any war crime!

Earlier, the United States also rejected this issue as baseless, and State Department spokesman Matthew Miller described South Africa’s allegations as “baseless,” saying that “those who violently attack Israel are the ones who continue to publicly call for the genocide.

So, based on that culture and political approach, even genocide, Israel chooses to commit it with impunity.!!!

Israel’s relations with right-wing extremist regimes and parties, even anti-Semitic or pro-Nazi “neo-Nazi parties”, have received greater attention in recent years, especially in Europe and even Latin America, from the Israeli occupation state, especially from the leader of right-wing extremism, Netanyahu, despite the scarecrow of anti-Semitism. Which constitutes one of the determinants of the Zionist political narrative and is exploited by Israel as a tool to terrorize public opinion in countries around the world.

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The Israeli government’s interests in breaking the European Union consensus on various policies, including its opposition to moving embassies to Jerusalem, align well with the desire of the European far right to create conflict with Brussels, the center of the European Union, and to stir up nationalist sentiments by presenting policy decisions that conflict with those policies by the European Union.

In other words, as long as Israel justifies its actions with security needs only, regardless of whether they are not real, many right-wing European countries, even Britain, which left the European Union, sparked a storm against the leader of the Labor Party on charges of anti-Semitism because he stood by Palestinian rights and opposed israeli policies.  The european right wing will be able and willing to coexist with Israel’s systematic violations of international law and human rights and its crimes against our Palestinian people, and even justify them under the pretext of self-defense according to the rule of equating the victim with the executioner in the best cases and defending the israeli lie of the only democracy in the middle east and the only victim of history.

On last Thursday, the European Parliament members even adopted a resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Israeli war against Hamas, on the condition that Palestinian armed groups in Gaza are dismantled and all hostages held by those groups are released (according to the text of the resolution). Thus, even this resolution expressed a policy biased towards Israel, as reaching a consensus on the wording of the resolution was not an easy task after the European right-wing parties objected to the original text proposal.

Who stressed the necessity of a permanent ceasefire without other signals. The resolution was adopted after approving the amendments presented by the conservative right-wing members who insisted for its passage on the necessity of referring to the dismantling of Hamas in order to reach a ceasefire and calling for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages remaining held by Hamas.

The decision was adopted after the right’s amendments, and it is not binding on European countries or the Union’s policies. It is considered a very symbolic decision, with a majority of 312 votes in favor, compared to 131 votes in opposition, with 72 members abstaining from voting. This is the first time that the European Parliament has been able to call for a ceasefire despite its insistence on condemning the Palestinian resistance by calling for its dismantling without referring to the necessity of dismantling the occupation and the Israeli apartheid system.

With the continuation of the genocidal war and attempts to impose displacement and transfer policy, which to date has led to the death of about 25,000 of our people, in addition to those missing under the rubble, nearly 60,000 wounded, the displacement and starvation of more than two million people, and daily raids and killings in the camps and cities of the West Bank, including Jerusalem, it became that False Zionist claims are revealing the truth about this settler state, which is characterized by racial discrimination and crimes, and millions of people around the world who defend the principles of freedom, justice and human rights are wondering: How long will this continue? What will it take for Europe and even the international community to impose sanctions and boycott on this  country? The occupation is effective until the barbaric aggression stops and the implementation of the national political rights of our people is imposed by bearing its historical, legal and moral responsibilities, as Europe, on the other hand, is still living in a guilt complex towards the Jews and the State of Israel, which considers itself a victim of history according to the crime of the Holocaust, even though this is a Nazi crime. Genocide targeted European peoples and a number of Jews who lived in European societies at the time, despite the many stories about the validity and causes of this.

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Now, according to what is happening from what I mentioned and other broad developments in the region and some aspects of international and geopolitical relations, their inability to achieve the goals they announced at the beginning of their aggression, especially ending the culture of resistance and its role, has only caused an unprecedented amount of casualties and destruction. These are historical moments that call for a unified Palestinian political initiative within the framework of the Liberation Organization, built on the steadfastness of our people, resistance and international solidarity, and the fragmentation of the Israeli situation and the historical situation before the International Court of Justice and its repercussions.

As well as unprecedented international solidarity, by expanding the base of participation in the decision to be purely national in the face of pressures and the attempt of American political investment in favor of Israel after its failure to achieve its military goals.

* Former ambassador to Greece.

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