The Plight of Children in a Neoliberal World

By Peter Koenig
27 December 2018

The NYT wrote yesterday, Christmas Day, that an 8-year old Guatemalan boy died in US Border Control custody. The circumstances are not clear, or are simply not reported. A month earlier, a 7-year old girl, also from Guatemala, died also in US Border Control custody. Here too, the circumstances are not revealed. How many more children, not mentioned by any media, or any statistics have already perished, trying to make their way to a better future? – A better future, because their real and beloved future in their own countries has been miserably destroyed by the US empire’s imposed corporate abuse and fascist-like dictatorships. But who cares, they are just children of illegal immigrants; children separated from their parents – to dissuade parents to migrate to the US of A. – Welcome to paradise of hell!

Currently a large portion of the US Government is shut down, due to a budget dispute between President Trump – and the ultra-rightwing of the Republican Party breathing down his neck – and the Democrats. At stake are US$5 billion for a Border Wall Trump requests as part of the general budget, and the Democrats refuse to sign-off on it. The Border Wall would have countless nefarious and more serious killer effects. More kids in border custody, some dehydrated, some simply exhausted from the long journey, some sick – all separated from their parents, maybe for good, and neglected by US Authorities – and most of them just simply left to their plight – which in many cases may be death.

Welcome to the Land of the Free, the land of exemplary democracy!

Are Trump and his handlersmurderers? – Yes, they are. There is absolutely no doubt. Not just for the abject, inhuman abuse of migrants and migrant children – but for killing children and adults in the ever-increasing number of wars and conflicts around the globe, waged and initiated by the US, NATO – and the European puppets’ armies. He – Trump, could stop them at once. He may risk his life, but somebody who aspires to such high office must take risks. Besides, his life may be at stake for many more reasons. Enemies abound. A life is just a life – highly precious, though, to be saved by all means – but killing wantonly millions of children – the future of civilization – what is that, if not a crime of the very, very highest degree, a crime of unfathomable dimensions, a crime that should be punishable by – well, let’s just call it by a war crimes court à la Nuremberg.

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If someone would tell Trump that he is a murderer, would he grasp it? Would his conscience kick in and make him realize what he is doing – he the all-powerful, who could stop it all? – Or would he simply call his secret service to arrest you and put you behind bars for insulting him – albeit, telling him the truth? – We may never know. I have asked a similar question about Obama. How can they sleep at night? Do they take a pill that eradicates their conscience, their human brain power? – I truly wonder. It’s been known for ever that power intoxicates. But to that extent? No repenting, not even after the four- or eight-year’s tour of duty? – No. Rather collect astronomical talking fees, cash-in on the power of indiscriminate killing.

Trump’s predecessors for hundred-plus years back, belong to the same clan of criminals. Their crimes have become the new normal. The west watches over their killings on TV – with media reports that banalize war and war death as normal, because war is war – where it belongs to. And it’s so profitable. It’s the industry of killing – killing babies and their mothers, adolescents, starving them to death, destroying their systems of minimal hygiene – Yemen – a case in point;
Syria is in the same league, Afghanistan, Iraq —- the list is endless. Hundreds of thousands of children were killed and are still being killed in the world’s longest war, seventeen years and counting – in Afghanistan. Nobody seems to care. Afghanistan, one of the resource richest countries on earth, has no future; not as long as it is dominated by greedy, murderous western powers, ahead of all – the corporate and military US of A.

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Killing is the name of the game. And mind you, this killing spree is driven by a blood-thirsty elite of bankers, pharma-kings, weapon industrialists, GMO-agri-businesses, hydrocarbon kingpins – a dark deep-state elite that feeds on the idea that the world is over-populated and must be reduced by factors of thousands, so that this small elite may survive much longer on the ever-diminishing resources of Mother Earth.

This is no joke. Infamous top war criminal, Henry Kissinger, propagated this idea already in the 1960s as a prominent member of the Rockefeller clan, called “Bilderberg Society”. The Bilderbergers’ objective Numero Uno is just that – reducing the world population by any means. War is one of them. And who to target best? – Children, of course. They are the gene-bearers of future generations. If gone, there are no off-springs, nobody to lead the world into a better future, a future of peace – yes, a future of peace, because these children have known war and would most likely opt for a different set of life values.

And imagine the suffering of these children until they eventually succumb to death? – Many without parents, without shelter, food, health care – let alone minimal education – being exposed to the abuses of humanity – unpaid hard labor, rape, diseases. The west not just watches on, but helps their plight along – by supplying weapons, bullets, bombs to those who do the killing.

The western public takes it – as, well, the new normal. We can’t imagine a world without war, a world in peace. That’s the extent to which we have been indoctrinated. And as we live in comfort – what is easier to believe than what we are told by the presstitute? – No worries, our leaders (sic) do the right thing; we are safe. And just in case there is any doubt, the governments concerned ‘launch’ a ‘false flag’ terror attack, justifying more sever crack-downs on the population – to, indeed, keep them safe by militarization of society – all the while continuing killing children with their mothers and relatives – children alone, children on the move as refugees, children as slaves – children uncounted by any statistics.

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Trump, yes, he is a murderer. And the Border Wall is a murder weapon. Assassins are also Trump’s predecessors, not least Obama, who knowingly killed thousands of children through his extra-judiciary drone attacks – and let’s stress this – of which he boasted to personally approve each and every one of these drone killings. Clinton killed Haitians by the thousands, many of them children, through his forced “free” trade agreements, giving US corporations access to child labor, miserably paid child labor – which was and is nothing more than legalized enslavement, often leading to impoverishment, famine, disease and death.

When will justice be done? Or, are we talking about justice ‘after death’? – Are we talking about a collective Karma that will eventually pull our entire civilization down the drain – into an inescapable abyss, giving room to a new beginning?

* Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organizationaround the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; TeleSUR; The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.
Peter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

First published by the New Eastern Outlook – NEO