The Liberation of the Slaves


Donald Trump’s electoral victory unleashed pent-up tectonic energies on the unprecedented scale. The world has been changed, much more than could be expected from any election of a US president. Just a short time has passed since election day, but it appears that the New World Order has received a shattering blow. There is a great feeling of freedom in the air, as if the vote broke the chains of a generation, and we suddenly found ourselves free.

As the first sign of this new freedom, there are reports that the dreaded TTIP and TTP, the twin agreements almost imposed by Obama administration on the world, are as good as dead. Trump killed the agreements, said the Germans, and it is a very good news. Just for that, it was worth electing Trump.

Silly activists say they stopped the TTIP and TTP by their own efforts. Bunkum! Without Trump, the agreements would have been duly signed and ratified despite all the protests. Let us give him his due.

I congratulate Trump on choosing Stephen Bannon. He is so heavily demonised by the NWO forces, so fervently called “an anti-Semite”, that he’s got to be good. If Trump will persevere and keep him, it will be additional proof that Trump is fearless, that the magic of political correctness has stopped working and that the word “anti-Semite” does not ruin a career anymore.

I feel sorry for the poor guys and gals who walk the American cities proclaiming their love and fealty to Obama and Clinton. They were zombified into blind trust that the NWO regime was forever, that docile blacks, emotional latinos, delicate gays and clever Jews will always vote as they are told by smart women in pants, while the workers of Detroit would forever cringe under the whip of white male privilege. They watched too many movies and lost touch with reality, like royalists worshipping portraits of the deposed and dead king.

We were all slaves, but slaves of two kinds: slaves willing and unwilling, house slaves and field slaves of the NWO. The “Not My President” crowd are house slaves; they learned to love and obey the masters. Trump freed them, too, but they do not yet enjoy it and beg to be returned to bondage.

Europe is full of house slaves. For a generation, the only way to advance was to become a happy slave, and so they did. There are tens of thousands happy house slaves in Sweden, who learned by heart all the slogans of the NWO, though they carried Sweden to disaster. They agreed to radical feminist rule and to migrant takeover, and all of a sudden it is not needed anymore. Now they face freedom and they do not like it.

But for us, for the field slaves, Trump’s victory is sheer bliss. We hated the slavery, and we shall enjoy freedom, and we shall see through the cheap tricks of our former slave masters who try to frighten us back into the cage.


The New World Order is Dead

We called the old regime “The New World Order”, and we feared it would last long. It came into being sometime in the late 1960s, expanded in eighties, came to its fruition in the beginning of the third millennium, and collapsed just a few minutes before destroying the world. Within this short lifespan, the West experienced an unusual form of highly ideological governance, of futuristic enslaving of the Man, as Orwell predicted.

The majority of the population has been demonised; ordinary people who worked, had loving wives and children, went to church were called ‘fascists’, or “privileged white males”; their traditional Christian faith was outlawed and pushed out of the public space; normal gender relations were cast in a negative light; the propaganda of homosexuality became as pervasive as the Communist propaganda in Leonid Brezhnev’s days, parents and children relations were out of sync; quite ordinary words were banned.

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“Hate speech” became the leading NWO crime; “bigot”, a mild term previously applied to elderly colonels, became the worst label one can put on a man, while the mortal sins were tolerated or encouraged. “Anti-Semitism” became an unforgivable crime, and it included disapproval of the Federal Reserve, dislike of Janet Yellen, of Goldman Sachs and rejection of the New York Times. When Donald Trump spoke against international financiers, the ADL screamed “Anti-Semitism!”, though he did not mention Jews at all, for we know who are these financiers. “Greed” went out of use altogether, though it was considered the worst sin or the father of all sins. Probably “greed” became a hate word, too.


The Jewish Century is over

Yuri Slezkine described our times as The Jewish century. It appears that this Jewish century is over, with the election of Trump. The Americans collected enough courage to vote for their interest, instead of doing what they are told. This was a big surprise for the Jews who already planned to enjoy the Jewish millennium. The NWO had been built to last, but so were many other human enterprises, including the Third Reich.

Probably you did not enjoy these last years of NWO rule, unless you belong to the one per cent of the very rich and very powerful, and maybe not even then. Probably you had less security in your job and your income, probably you had to watch your mouth more diligently, probably you felt yourself out of place just by being a straight white Christian man. Perhaps you did not like that your country had been stolen from you and repopulated by foreigners. Perhaps you did not enjoy it when Lena Dunhamcalled for your extinction. But you had no way to even object, without being called a Nazi, and that was a deadly label.

However, the Jews enjoyed the best time of their history. Whoever they accused of anti-Semitism, was expelled from public life. Chemi Shalev, an American-Jewish-Israeli Haaretz columnist, bewept these great times: “It is probably no coincidence that during Obama’s tenure, American Jews reached a pinnacle of social and cultural acceptance. Being American Jews was hip. It was cool. It was the thing to be. Pew Research Polls repeatedly confirmed that Jews were the most loved and most admired religious group in all of America.”

And what did they wish for, these most-loved and most-admired and, by the way, wealthiest Americans? “They support immigration, pluralism, multiculturalism, social reform, government intervention, separation of church and state, gay marriage, abortion rights and on and on. It is easy to see, in fact, why so many of Trump’s radical supporters would view the Jews as their mortal enemies” – concludes Shalev.

Reality is more complicated than he claims. Shalev said “the Jews” wanted NWO. Perhaps this is true regarding the unelected leadership of American Jews. But a sizeable and powerful minority of Jews do not agree with “the Jews”. Some of them prefer Zionism. Zionism is full negation of everything “the Jews” want: no separation of Jewish church and Jewish state, no goy immigration. “The Jews” defend the Muslims from being registered by Tramp, while Zionists register every Muslim under their rule. Until now, the Zionists and liberal Jews did not quarrel, for the Zionists organised the Jewish state, while “the Jews” told the goyim how they should live.

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Now the difference caused a split: NWO enemies claimed their support for Israel and Zionism should protect them from (still dangerous) accusation of anti-Semitism. Though Zionism is evil enough, it is evil localised, in comparison with the universal evil being spread world-wide by “the Jews”. It would be better to reject both varieties, and so do many people (including those of Jewish origin). Hopefully, rather sooner than later, we shall reach the point when accusation of anti-Semitism will be met with a disinterested “Is it so?”, and this will remove the unpleasant necessity of choosing between two evils, but we are not there yet. A cautious politician chooses one evil, whatever he considers a lesser one.

In England, Jeremy Corbyn preferred anti-Zionism, but he had to pay for this indulgence by “fighting anti-Semitism”. He sacked some of his supporters, offered extra protection to Jews, but the Jews immediately attacked him. In the US, Trump and his people prefer to flirt with Zionists, and Zionists defended him against the liberal Jews. In France, too, Marine Le Pen befriended Zionists to secure her movement from the broad-fronted Jewish attack.

Zionists are willing to accept Trump and Le Pen. Zionism flourished in 1930s as a Jewish National Socialist movement; it was built to fit Jewry into fascist-dominated Europe and the Middle East. Zionists loved Mussolini and admired Adolf Hitler. They have no problem with befriending any right-wing movement (no comparison is intended). If they would build their Jewish state on a remote unpopulated island, it would be their internal matter, but their Palestine project created too many problems for others.

Zionists are problematic allies for Trump, and the neo-cons are their extremely dangerous offshoot. They should be kept as far from power as possible, for they will charge a high price for their support and lead America into new wars.

Donald Trump can find better Jewish allies than Zionists or liberal NWO Jews. Do not forget: many Jews (as well as non-Jews) voted for Sanders or for Jill Stein. Now Bernie Sanders is looking for a new opening, and Jill Stein is available. Both are known for their anti-NWO and moderate non-Zionist positions; they could be adopted into Trump’s administration. Sanders actually expressed his willingness to work with Trump.

Such a step was made by Menachem Begin, the Israeli right-wing leader, when he came to power in Israel in 1977. He had made Moshe Dayan, a leading figure of Labour whom he defeated in the elections, his Foreign Minister. This wise and daring step strengthened his positions immensely, and undermined Labour for many years.

Trump’s administration with Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein in an important position (Secretary of State? Secretary of Commerce? Secretary of Labor?) would be immune to many attacks and accusations, and it will heal the tear in the society. It will also solve the Jewish problem of Trump and make the NWO Jews and extreme Zionists irrelevant.


Saving Europe

Though NWO excesses were bad enough in the US, they were even worse in Europe, and for West Europeans, Trump’s victory is as important for them, as nomination of Mikhail Gorbachev was for East Europeans. The US troops are still based in Europe, but the spirit is gone. Europe is about to become independent, just before the point of no return had been crossed.

The problem is that many years of American dictate obliterated native European leadership. The European politicians were trained to rule in the name of the NWO and by the US leave. The nationalist far right has ambitions, but no serious leaders of national calibre (excepting France).

A Russian-American professor compared the impending liberation of the West with liberation of the East 27 years ago: “The one party system which the West had since the collapse of the Soviet Union is over. So is the dominance of one ideology and simplistic preachy press”. Indeed, like in the Soviet days, the multiparty system had been practically dismantled in Europe.

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There was no difference between “left” and “right”, as the two parties became identical, competing which one will show more fervor embracing migration, fighting anti-Semitism, denouncing white male privilege, imposing austerity, cutting social state, taking children from their parents, eliminating production jobs, restricting the church, giving more money to rich bankers, fleecing the workers and beefing up the security services and the NATO military.

This process started after WWII, as Europe was partitioned and subjugated. Western Europe has been as thoroughly colonised by the US, as the Eastern Europe had been subjugated by the USSR. The colonisers of the Western Europe, the NWO builders from America – I hesitate to call them “Americans”, for many of these people were immigrants from Europe who used the US as their tool to create One World Government. For them, 1945 victory was a great chance to crush national forces, to promote compliant politicians in sync with their plans.

After the Soviet withdrawal in 1990, the NWO people took over the whole of Europe. PC control became total, radical feminism and juvenile courts destroyed the European family, the very concept of parenthood, of fatherhood and motherhood had been delegitimized; millions of migrants were transferred into Europe to replace its population, and every objector has been called a “Nazi”.

The Germans are a special case: after the terrible air bombardments of 1945, after the intensive Holocaust education, they were infected with an exaggerated form of guilt feeling. This once proud and industrious folk had been brought down and turned into obedient slaves. Now they do not want to part with their American masters. Merkel promised Obama to keep the fire on until his return, after the years of Trump pass.

It reminds me of the Roman Empire’s retreat from Britain. Though the legions went home, the post-Roman British rulers claimed they ruled in the name of Rome. Perhaps this ruse will be played again in Europe, and new European leaders will claim they still have American imprimatur – until Europeans will find for themselves their new independent leaders.


Russians are cautious but jubilant

The Russians are happy with Trump’s victory, but they still are not sure. Could it actually happen? Do they see what they think they see? However, the advent of Trumpmania is just around the corner. If Trump will make it to his inauguration, if he will keep neocons and Washington warriors out of important positions, he will have the Russian bear eating out of his hands. And this is likely to solve many problems of the world, from Middle East to East Europe.

If Donald Trump is a belated answer to Mikhail Gorbachev’s peace initiative, he can draw the American troops home, and the Golden Age is likely to descend upon troubled mankind.

Meanwhile we should be happy with the forthcoming retreat of the transhuman agenda, with the end of liberal tyranny, with termination of mass migrations and with attempt to restore the ruined fabric of our society.

Israel Shamir can be reached at