The inforcement agencies came with a search to the leader of the CPU Petro Simonenko

May 8, 2018

On eve of the victory day, the inforcement agencies came with a search to the leader of the CPU Petro Simonenko

Today, on May 8, 2018, on the eve of the Victory Day, the chain dogs of the oligarch-Nazi regime from the power structures (at the moment there is no information on the condrete agency – the Security Service, the Procurator Office  or the Police) appeared with a search to the leader of the Ukrainian communists Peter Simonenko. Without waiting for a lawyer, they began to break the gates.
The Communist Party draws attention to the fact that Nazism and fascism in Ukraine have become a state ideology. Nazi collaborators are declared heroes, in honor of Nazi SS units, celebrations are organized and commemorative medals and stamps are issued. But communists are persecuted and attacked.
We ask for support and solidarity, dear comrades!

Communist Party of Ukraine
Central Committee
Department for the International Relations

Hands off the Communists of Ukraine

Statement of the Press Office of the CC of the KKE

he Communist Party of Greece (KKE) decisively condemns the provocative and violent raid of the Police Forces of Ukraine in the Office of the 1st Secretary of the CC of the CP of Ukraine, Petro Symonenko, in the Party’s premises in Kiev, as well as in his home.
It is an unacceptable action incorporated in the anticommunist campaign, in the orgy of persecution and repression that the reactionary government has unleashed at the expense of the Communists of Ukraine, a government that is supported also by fascist forces and has the full support of the EU, the USA and of NATO. The fact that the raid in the Premises of the CP of Ukraine was organized in the eve of the anniversary of the Great Anti-fascist Victory of the Peoples, of the anniversary of the defeat of Nazism-fascism acts as a further provocation.
Against all those that try to distort History, so that the peoples forget, the younger generations in particular, anti-communism will not pass, the historical truth will shine. Hands-off the Communists of Ukraine.
The delegation of the KKE in the european parliament made an urgent question to the high representative for EU foreign policy F.Mogherini on the unacceptable and provocative raid of Ukrainian police forces at the office of 1st Secretary of the CP of Ukraine Pierre Simonimenko, at the Party’s premises in Kiev, and his home. With the question, the delegation of the KKE in the european parliament calls on the EU High Representative to condemn the specific provocation of the police and the government of Ukraine, a country with which the EU maintains close political, economic and military cooperation.
On the evening of May 8, 2018, the MEP of the KKE, Kostas Papadakis made a phone call to the consul of the Ukrainian Embassy in Athens, N. Kosenko, denouncing the provocative and violent raid in the offices of CP opf Ukraine and also in the home of the First Secretary of the CC of Petro Symonenko. The MEP of the KKE noted the provocative nature of the raid during the eve of the Great Anti-fascist Nation of Peoples, and demanded the immediate cessation of any prosecution against the Communists of Ukraine.

AKEL denounces the new anticommunist raids and attacks on the CP of Ukraine

Expressing its full solidarity with Ukrainian Communists, AKEL will raise the issue in the European Parliament and PACE

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Greece and Cyprus as geopolitical fodder

AKEL denounces today’s illegal raid by Ukrainian security forces on the home of the President of the Communist Party of Ukraine Petro Symonenko, as well as in the central offices of the Central Committee of the CP of Ukraine in Kiev, where “searches” were carried out. This is yet another case of the systematic persecution waged against the Communist Party of Ukraine by the regime that emerged after the pro-Western and pro-fascist coup d’état of 2014.
Today’s events are evidently linked to tomorrow’s anniversary of the Anti-Fascist Victory of the Peoples, which the current regime in Ukraine wants to erase by all means. Furthermore, it is well known that anti-fascist monuments of the Second World War are being demolished today in Ukraine, at the same time as Nazi collaborators and SS units are being honored. The European Union bears enormous responsibilities for these developments, given that it supported the coup d’état and backs the new regime’s policy, indeed agreeing to an EU Association Agreement with Ukraine.
AKEL expresses its full support and solidarity with the Communists of Ukraine. AKEL will again raise the whole issue of the ongoing anti-communist persecution in Ukraine, both at the level of the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.”
AKEL C.C. Press Office,
8th May 2018, Nicosia