The European Union must respect the result of the 6D elections in Venezuela

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On December 6, 2020, as stipulated in its Constitution, Venezuelan citizens are called to elect new representatives to the National Assembly.

In addition to the plethora of political proposals (107 parties competing, 14,400 candidates for the 277 parliamentary seats), this election represents, above all, a democratic, legal and peaceful solution to the political and institutional crisis generated, in January 2019, by the self-proclamation of Juan Guaidó as “interim president” of Venezuela.

In the course of the year 2020, the discussions between the government and the opposition determined to resume the constitutional path have led to the establishment of new electoral guarantees, unanimously accepted by all political tendencies involved in this electoral process.

Despite its repeated calls for dialogue in Venezuela, the European Union refused to accept this new democratic consensus. And it finally decided to reject the invitation of the Venezuelan State to send observers to guarantee the good development of the election.

This contradiction is the product of permanent pressure from the US administration, immersed in an operation whose priority is not respect for either democracy or electoral processes, but rather “regime change”, whatever the cost. This alignment with the policy of Washington’s hawks is a serious sign of the abdication of an independent foreign policy that has been exhibited in numerous speeches of intent.

If the European Union were to truly bet on being a conduit of peace in a world of turbulence, it should not support the path of violence and confrontation in Venezuela.

That is why we ask the European Union to respect the electoral result of next December 6, and to support the democratic will of the Venezuelan people.

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First signatories:

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