The European Commission and the “coverup” of the rail tragedy in Greece

Ursula von der Leyen announced that the Greek Commissioner Apostolos Tzitzikostas will take over the Sustainable Transport  and Tourism portfolio in the new European Commission.

Already last August, Maria Karystianou, the President of the association of victims of the railway tragedy in Tempi(,,, for which the European Union itself, as well as the Mitsotakis government, bear responsibility, denounced the Mitsotakis government for seeking the transfer of the transport portfolio to a Greek commissioner in order to cover up this major scandal for which no one in Greece has yet been punished. The same allegation was made by a series of publications in the Greek press (indicatively,

According to these articles and as the Greek MEP Kostas Arvanitis has indicated, the Greek government, through the control of the transport portfolio, as well as through the appointment of Ms. Vozemberg, MEP of the ruling “New Democracy” party, as Chairwoman of the Transport Committee of the European Parliament, wants to prevent further European research on this matter, thus facilitating a “cover-up”.

According to media sources, Athens was until recently interested in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean portfolios, which it considered more vital to Greek interests than the transport portfolio.


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