The Balkanization and Hybrid Warfare Against Sudan

By Dr. Bischara Ali EGAL
August 30, 2020


In November, 2017, Former Sudanese Pres. Omar Al-Bashir paid a quick and urgent arranged visit to pleading with President Putin “that his country needs protection from the U.S. and could serve as a gateway to Africa for Moscow”.

Al-Bashir, speaking at the start of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, accused the U.S. of fomenting the conflict in Sudan. Al-Bashir added that “we need protection from the U.S. aggressive actions.”1)

What really prompted President Al-Bashir was the fact that he realized that there were secret “Balkanization of Sudan” plan is on the way since he planned to bring majority of Sudanese Soldiers from Yemen’s civil war “killing Fields” which he reduced to only 5000 soldiers from the high 15000 in 2015 the start of Saudi war on Yemen.

Al-Bashir managed the relationship with Russia personally. He visited Putin twice in the past two years, despite an arrest warrant issued against him by the International Criminal Court, which indicted al-Bashir in 2009 for war crimes and genocide against his own people. Putin was glad to welcome him during both visits, the first time in his residence in Sochi and the second time in the Kremlin. But since al-Bashir’s downfall on Thursday after 30 years in power, the Russian authorities have avoided publicly taking sides in the ongoing struggle for power.”

Historical background of western Neo-colonial  interventions , balkanization &hybrid warfare on Sudan  1956- Present.

Sudanese civil wars 1955-72 and the 2nd civil war 1983-2005; which in all purposes was a continuation of the first one was all because of marginalization, poverty,  , ethnic , tribal and religious marginalization of  black African majority tribes in the South Vs the Arab-majority northern fueled by western Christian fundamentalist corporate empire Geostrategic and religious interests in balkanizing Sudan as economic, political  powerhouse in Africa, -Sudan was –

 “Too Big& rich with mineral resource and too weak to defend itself

For Anglo-American European Zionist Christendom empire at the time of independence.

The British colonial system never intended to let go a united, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, animist, Christian and Islamic and independent Sudan. The British created internal divisions and segregations of S.Sudan from Sudan proper way before independence. They ruled Sudan through the “Anglo-Egyptian Condominium from 1889- 1956” which based the colonial administration in Cairo, Egypt, and The  British troops in Khartoum Sudan. The British and later on American and EU countries zoomed on the Arab versus Black African cleavage of Sudan from  1956 independence onwards in order to set motion, the eventual Balkanization , destruction and division of Greater Sudan Republic which was rich in Mineral and Natural resources and to be left alone.

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The Israeli Yinon Project for Sudan and the Horn of Africa region.

Before 1956 independence, Sudan was targeted for Balkanization such as the famous Anglo-French ‘Sykes-Picot plan’ into Southern Anamist-Christian Black African vs Muslim-Arab North, thus, undermining the Geopolitical, and  political economy of A united , democratic multi-cultural &  multi-ethnic Sudan.

Right after independence Sudan faced typical colonial underdevelopment problems in all sectors of its economy, internal-strife, and western supported southern separatist rebels (AnyaNaya)- the First Sudanese Civil War (1955–1972). A separate movement that rose during the Second Sudanese Civil War were, in turn, called Anyanya II. Anyanya means “snake venom” in the Madi language.[3)

The 2nd Anyaya Uprising It ended when the Anyanya signed the Addis Ababa Agreement with the Government in 1972. (4).

Even after Khartoum Govt signed peace agreements with Southern Anyanya rmovements a more lethal, well armed , politically and foreign motivated Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement(SPLM) emerged with  Anglo-American,European,Canadian and Israeli support and funding in 1983 which created sever deaths , destructions and committed murder and mayhem of unspeakable Crimes against both southern lives and properties. Fully armed by Isreal, Europe , supported with ideological , Media and political campaigns  around western wolrd, projecting the war as ‘Ethno-religouse War of Black African Christians-against Murderous Arab Muslim Genocidal Govt., in Khartoum . And over the years this self-differentiation of the peoples of Sudan has been diffused and socialized into the collective psyche of South Sudanese.

The Yinon Project for the Balkanization of Sudan from 1956-Present.

The balkanization of Sudan both from its links to the Arab world and  into a  weak, ethnically, tribally, religiously, militarily, economically unsustainable state-lets(Bantustans just like former Apartheid white SA) . This balkanization  dates bk before the independence of sudan in 1956.

Before the independence , Sudan and Egypt were one country in practice Up  until 1956 independece of Sudan ,”There was a strong movement to keep Egypt and Sudan United as a single Arab state, which was struggling against British and Israeli(Anglo-Zionist) Geopolitical interests in the region. London, however, fuelled Sudanese regionalism against Egypt in the same manner present –day Kharoutm. Egyptians were portrayed as exploiting just as how the non-Southern Sudanese have been  portreayed as exploiting the South Sudanese”5).

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Thus strong racially, ethnically, religiously charged regionalism has been at work in South Sudan against the rest of Sudan.

From 1983 Onwards,  Anglo-American, European, Canadian and Israeli govts have armed the southern Sudanese rebels to the death as well carried Media  Anti-Khartoum info wars and racist, islamophobic campaigns making the war as one of Southern Christian Blacks against Northern Arab Islamist Govt. of Khartoum.

  • Conculusions”

In conclusions, “The balkanization of Sudan is also tied to the Yinon Plan in the M.E. N.A. , which is a continuation of British stratagem. The strategic objective of the Yinon Plan is to ensure Israeli superiority through the balkanization of the Middle Eastern and Arab states into smaller and weaker states. It is in this context that Israel has been deeply involved in Sudan.

Israeli strategists viewed Iraq as their biggest strategic challenge from an Arab state. This is why Iraq was outlined as the centre piece to the balkanization of the Middle East and the Arab World. The Atlantic in this context published an article in 2008 by Jeffrey Goldberg called “After Iraq: A report from the new Middle East—and a glimpse of its possible future“. In the Goldberg article a map of the Middle East was presented that closely followed the outline of the Yinon Plan and the map of a future Middle East presented by Lieutentant-Colonel (retired) Ralph Peters in the U.S military’s Armed Forces Journal in 2006.” It is also no coincidence that aside from a divided Iraq a divided Sudan was shown on the map. Lebanon, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Somalia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan were also presented as divided nations too. Of importance to East Africa in the map, illustrated by Holly Lindem for Goldberg’s article, Eriteria is occupied by Ethiopia, which is a U.S. and Israeli ally, and Somalia is divided into Somaliland, Puntland, and a smaller Somalia.6


1)   Sudan’s President Omar Al Bahir visits Russia, Asks protection from US. VOA November 23, 2017. august 13, 2020)

2) The Balkanization of Sudan: The Redrawing of the Middle East and North Africa byMahdi Darius Nazemoroaya, January 02, 2011;GR.

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3) Wikipedia September 23, 2020)

4) IBID       “

5) ) South Sudan’s Total Collapse Could Lead to the Destabilization of Central and Eastern Africa.By Korybko, Andrew (2017) October 28, 2020)

6)Nazemroaya, Mahdi Darius ,The Balkanization of Sudan: The Redrawing of the Middle East and North Africa . Globalreasech January 02, 2013

7) September 14,2020)

8) September 16, 2020)

9)   Division of Sudan into 4 regions and the removal of Sudanese Armed forces in Arabic language by  saber_mashhour;sept.1, 2020 (accessed September 14, 2020)

10)  Sudan Leadership divided over whether Normalize ties with Isreal, by MEMO Staff, sept.21, 2020. September 22, 2020)


12)  Sudan: Fatwa bans normalizing Ties With Isreal. October2, 2020. oct.3, 2020)

13) Svetlana Ekimenko, We need  Israel- Top Sudanese Official  Hints at possible Looming Change in Relations with Tel Aviv . Sputnik, October 3, 2020. (accessed 4, 2020)

14) spet.24, 2020)

15) After Sudan Peace deals , the hard task of gathering the Guns, by  Arab News, October 10, 2020. October 10, 2020)

16) Reviving the New  Sudan Vision  by Amir Ahmad Naser, Aljazeer Opinion ; January, 27, 2012. october11, 2020)

17) Sudan now Africa’s Third Largest Oil Producer by Afrol News, October 12, 2020.


19) October24, 2020)

20)  Sudan has no Cash to pay Dameges for 1998 Embassy Bombings by Nabeel  Biajo, May 20,2020 for VOA. october24,2020)

21) (accessedSeptember 4, 2020)

By Prof. Dr. Bischara Ali EGAL,
Executive Director & Chief Researcher

This article  already appeared at

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