Tensions in Evros Continue, MEPs Ask Commission to Solve the Border Crisis

By Nick Kampouris

New tensions broke out on Saturday evening near Kastanies, the town on the Greek-Turkish border in Evros.

Following a few hours of peace and quiet, chemicals were thrown by the Turkish side of the border fence, as well as from people gathered at the border post attempting to cut the fence protecting Greek territory.

Strong Greek police forces remain in the area responding to these attacks with chemicals and water, preventing any attempt to breach the country’s borders.

MEPs Call EU Commission to Assist Greece and Stop Turkey’s Blackmail

A total of 57 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) coming from four political groups, asked the European Commission to take immediate action to bring a lasting solution to the crisis on the Greek-Turkish border.

The MEPs belong to the groups of the Socialists and Democrats, the Liberals of the ”Renew Europe” party, the Greens and to the party of the European Left.

In their letter, they said that “Turkey should immediately stop using the people fleeing the war as a means of geopolitical pressure on Greece and Europe as a whole. Greece cannot and must not handle this situation on its own.”

Municipality of Sintiki Agrees to Host Migrant Camp

Central Macedonia’s municipality of Sintiki, where the town of Sidirocastro is located, agreed recently to host in its territory a new migrant camp.

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The local council took this decision unanimously, something not seen very often in Greek politics.

The new camp will host immigrants who entered Greece illegally after March 1, 2020

Published at https://greece.greekreporter.com/2020/03/08/tensions-in-evros-continue-meps-ask-commission-to-solve-the-border-crisis/