Teach-in Webinar – War in Ukraine: How the Lies of Empire Stand in the Way of a Diplomatic Resolution

Digging deep to unearth the facts behind the war in Ukraine.

The world has been horrified by recent events in Ukraine.

The mainstream media has not been reporting the facts including a hidden history of nefarious covert activities that fit with the past pattern of U.S. foreign policy.

This Teach-in Webinar will illuminate the backstory the media has not reported, and challenge the dominant narrative about the war. We will further raise concerns about the growing threat of nuclear conflagration while provoking discussion about what the peace movement should now be doing.

Speakers include:

  • Ray McGovern, former CIA Analyst and Russia expert, founder Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
  • Andrei Martyanov, expert on Russian military affairs, author The Real Revolution in Military Affairs
  • Chris Kaspar de Ploeg, author Ukraine in the Crossfire
  • Scott Ritter, former U.S. Marine Intelligence officer, UN Arms Inspector, exposed WMD lie in U.S. push to invade Iraq
  • John Kiriakou, CIA whistleblower and Radio Sputnik host
  • James Carden, Adviser U.S.-Russia bilateral commission during the Obama administration & Ex. Editor of “The American Committee for East-West Accord”
  • Ron Ridenour, peace activist, author The Russian Peace Threat
  • Gerald Horne, historian, author, Chair of History and African American Studies at the University of Houston
  • Jeremy Kuzmarov, CAM Managing Editor and author of The Russians Are Coming, Again: The First Cold War as Tragedy, the Second as Farce

The opinions expressed by the speakers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CovertAction Magazine (CAM). CAM offers this webinar with differing viewpoints in an effort to nurture vibrant debate and thoughtful critical analysis. Feel free to comment on the webinar in the comment section and/or send your letters to the Editors, which we will publish in the Letters column.

Read also:
The First Casualty of the Cold War: Journalist Kati Marton on the Polk Conspiracy

Published at covertactionmagazine.com

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