Saturday, 1 March , 2025


How To End the War in Ukraine?

by Jean Bricmont Posted on July 12, 2022 Given the devastating effects of this war, first in Ukraine but also, through sanctions, on the world...

The Great Slaughter: A forgotten genocide of WWII

In justone day, Croatian Nazi allies killed more than 2,300 Serb civilians in three villages and a mine, without firing a shot By Nebojsa Malic* Feb...

Ask people in the Middle East whether NATO is strictly a...

The military bloc isn’t always concerned about protecting its own, the Russian president has said Feb.8, 2022 Despite NATO’s insistence that it is a defensive organization,...

The Ukraine: The USA is responsible for the escalation and must...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Back in 1992, when I was a correspondent in Moscow, the French review Sous le Drapeau du Socialisme asked me for an...

The Ukraine: The USA is responsible for the escalation and must...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Back in 1992, when I was a correspondent in Moscow, the French review Sous le Drapeau du Socialisme asked me for an...

Mikis against NATO’s bombings of Yugoslavia 26.4.99

Speech of Mikis Theodorakis - Greeks against bombing of Serbia Mikis Theodorakis – The anti-war concert in Syntagma 1999  

Serbia mourns Mikis Theodorakis

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic offers his condolences and deep sorrow over his death Miki Theodoraki. “Today Serbia mourns the legendary Mikis Theodorakis, who was not...

US Loses One Afghanistan War: Proposals for New Afghanistan Wars Multiply

by Doug Bandow Posted on August 25, 2021 It took just 11 days, but the US lost another war. Washington and its mostly NATO allies...

US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev

By Ian Traynor Fri 26 Nov 2004 With their websites and stickers, their pranks and slogans aimed at banishing widespread fear of a corrupt regime, the...

Russian Envoy to UN: Mladic’ Verdict Is Continuation of Politicized Approach...

Jun 8, 2021 The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) reaffirmed on Tuesday the conviction of the former commander of Bosnian Serbs for war...