Saturday, 1 March , 2025


On the role of UN Peace Keepers

A UN Force for Ukraine: Beware the Trojan Horse By Christopher Black Russia has proposed that a UN “peacekeeping” force be placed in Ukraine to protect...

Economic Sanctions: Too Much of a Bad Thing

By Richard N. Haass June 1, 1998 Economic sanctions are increasingly being used to promote the full range of American foreign policy objectives. Yet...

Neocons Have Been Destroying Sovereign Nations for 20 Years

An excellent article from one of our favorite Russia authors pointing out similar patterns in the destruction of Yugoslavia, Libya, and Syria By Neil Clark The author...

Roaming Charges: Love at First Strike

Ivanka, our Park Avenue Electra, did it. She’s the one who softened her daddy’s leathery heart by forcing him to watch those dreadful pictures of...

A more dangerous world is probably coming after the US election!

80% of the population of the USA do not trust and do not appreciate either of the two candidates. The strongest argument for voting Trump is not so much what he says as opposition to Clinton being elected. And the main argument for voting Clinton is not to have Trump elected!

The Death of Milosevic and NATO Responsibility

The death of Slobodan Milosevic was clearly the only way out of the dilemma the NATO powers had put themselves in by charging him before the Hague tribunal. The propaganda against him was of an unprecedented scale. The trial was played in the press as one of the world’s great dramas, as world theatre in which an evil man would be made to answer for his crimes. But of course, there had been no crimes, except those of the NATO alliance, and the attempt to fabricate a case against him collapsed into farce.

Milosevic Exonerated, as the NATO War Machine Moves on

The ICTY’s exoneration of the late Slobodan Milosevic, the former President of Yugoslavia, for alleged war crimes committed in the Bosnia war, proves again we should take NATO claims regarding its ’official enemies’ not with a pinch of salt, but a huge lorry load.

Milosevic and the destruction of Yugoslavia. Unpleasant truths no one wants...

The ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) has discharged Slobodan Milosevic from 1992-95 Bosnian war crimes allegations. This is definitely prime time news, while it holds endless political implications. Oddly enough, though, no major international mainstream media seems to have noticed.

NATO’s Warsaw Communiqué: Planning the Crime of Aggression

The NATO communiqué issued from Warsaw on July 9th is direct evidence of such planning and preparation and therefore of a conspiracy by the NATO leaders to commit acts of aggression against Russia, and would be the subject of an indictment of the International Criminal Court against the leaders of the NATO military alliance, if the prosecutor of the ICC was in fact independent, which she is not, and of course, if the articles relating to crimes of

Brexit – The beginning of Liberation from the Global oligarchical dictatorship

For that reason, the Movement for Serbia demands the free will of our people to be respected – now! Meaning: abolition of all forms of dependence on EU and NATO and removal of all in the ruling clique who lie that the colonization of Serbia is in the interest of its people and approved by the people.