Axis occupation of Greece
The occupation of Greece by the Axis Powers (Greek: Η Κατοχή, I Katochi, meaning "The Occupation") began in April 1941 after Nazi Germany invaded...
Greek Contribution to the Nazi Defeat – They still pay for...
Greece’s Courage in World War II Helped Defeat the Nazis
During World War II in Europe, most countries that hadn’t sided with Adolph Hitler spent...
German imperialism and the Greek debt crisis
By Fred Goldstein
posted on March 4, 2015
For five years the European Central Bank, dominated by German finance capital, has engineered bailouts and imposed austerity...
US Generals go crazy
US Generals: We Can Win WW3, and We Want You to Pay (a Lot) For It
“I concur with Gen. Milley. If we get into...
America on the Brink of Nuclear War: Background to the North...
by William R. Polk
The US and North Korea are on the brink of hostilities that if begun would almost certainly lead to a nuclear...
Polish government demands war reparations from Germany
By Clara Weiss
22 August 2017
The Polish government of the Law and Justice party (PiS) announced earlier this month that it would demand...
Kiev names street after Nazi collaborator
Kiev’s city council has renamed one of the city’s major streets after Roman Shukhevich, a Ukrainian nationalist and Nazi officer who was commander of...
History Wars – Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania revise the meaning of...
On Thursday, MPs from the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's parliament, approved the 'Declaration of Remembrance and Solidarity' of the parliaments of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania, which put the blame for the events of the Second World War squarely on the Soviet Union.
Zweiter Weltkrieg: Wie Griechenland von Deutschland 269 Milliarden Euro einklagen könnte
Die zuletzt abgeflaute Debatte um griechische NS-Reparationsforderungen über 278,7 Milliarden Euro an Deutschland wird neu angefacht. Nach zweieinhalb Jahren Arbeit hat ein griechischer Parlamentsausschuss nun einen Bericht vorgelegt, der den Anspruch auf Milliardenzahlungen untermauert.
75 years since Operation Barbarossa – Revisions…
On 22nd June it will have been 75 years since the commencement of Operation Barbarossa, the Hitlerian invasion of the Soviet Union, the war of extermination, pillage and colonization which was to cost the lives of between 24 and 29 million human beings (according to recent estimates)