Saturday, 1 March , 2025


80 years ago, how a very different Schindler’s ‘list’ helped ignite...

Controlling up to two dozen German spies, Oskar Schindler helped stage the false-flag ‘Gleiwitz Incident’ to justify Germany’s invasion of Poland By Matt Lebovic 30 August...

A long farewell to Yugoslavia

In an interview with Martin Meyer and Andreas Breitenstein, Peter Handke discusses what happened in the break-up of the former Yugoslavia 22/06/2006 With Montenegro's declaration of...

Latvian Waffen-SS legion ‘pride of our state and nation,’ Defense Minister...

28 Sep, 2019 In a disturbing example of revising the role of Nazi collaborators in World War II, a Latvian minister said veterans, his compatriots...

Gar Alperovitz on the Decision to Nuke Japan

Aug 28, 2019 Historian Gar Alperovitz shares the history of America’s use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Contrary to what most of...

Top Israeli Expert: US Can’t Defeat Iran in a Conventional War;...

May 22, 2019 Yakov Kedmi, political figure (Israel) on the Middle East conflict: "In this war of Persians against Arabs, the Persians will win. And...

Long-lost Holocaust-era Soviet songs in Yiddish brought to life in Israel

Grammy-nominated project reaches Tel Aviv, revives songs describing hardships of Jews being persecuted during World War II By Aron Heller 9 July 2019 In a musty...

The successful 70-year campaign to convince people the USA and not...

In 1945, most French people thought that the Soviet Union deserved the most credit for Nazi Germany’s defeat in World War II — even...

Netanyahu vs. Soros: The Civil War inside the Empire

Netanyahu advisers hatched anti-Semitic conspiracy against George Soros By Asa Winstanley  19 March 2019 Israeli leaders helped birth today’s most notorious anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. That’s the conclusion...

Much talk about non existent Antisemitism of Yellow Vests or Corbyn,...

Staircase in Ukraine mall decorated with giant swastika Head of Jewish group notes Nazi symbol appeared in Kiev ahead of march there Saturday by torch-carrying...

Greece says it has grounds for war reparation claim against Germany

January 11, 2019 Greece told German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday it had grounds to pursue a legal claim for billions of euros in reparations...