Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Working Class

Ground Zero of the Brexit Class War

Northern England will decide the most important election in the United Kingdom's recent history. It was once a Labour Party heartland, but Brexit has...

More on the British election

How Jeremy Corbyn’s activist army is taking lessons from the US British leftists are sharing ideas and strategies with former members of the Bernie Sanders...

Ken Loach on Workers and Capitalism, Brexit and Corbyn

Ken Loach: "They want the poor to believe that they are without power" ORIGINAL FRENCH ARTICLE: Ken Loach : « Ils veulent faire croire aux pauvres...

Class, State and Nation in the 21st Century

Fourteenth WAPE Forum: 'Class, State and Nation in the 21st Century' 19-21 July 2019, Winnipeg, Canada Hosted by the Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba,...

The Yellow Vests: a leftist movement which does not want to...

Α Revolt struggling to give birth to a Revolution By Dimitis Konstantakopoulos March 20, 2019 3rd of three articles (first and second). Nation, worker, left and right… all...

The Suburbs and the Revolt – Gilets Jaunes et Banlieue

"Gilets jaunes" et banlieue : y aller ou pas 21/02/2019 Ils viennent - ou pas - à des réunions de quartier aux allures de grand débat...

Samir Amin at 80: An Introduction and Tribute

By John Bellamy Foster Oct 01, 2011 Samir Amin was born in Cairo in 1931, and studied within the French educational system in Egypt (Lycée Français...

The New Service Proletariat

by Ricardo Antunes Apr 01, 2018 In recent decades, the spread of information technology, industrial automation, and other innovations has inspired visions of a coming “postindustrial...

Power, Socialism and Bureaucracy (a classic text)

The opposition will always retain as one of its merits, as against the party, a merit which nothing can remove, the fact that it has, in good time, sounded the alarm on the terrible decline of the spirit of activity of the working classes, and on their increasing indifference towards the destiny of the dictatorship of the proletariat and of the Soviet state.