Sunday, 2 March , 2025


Obama sent le vent tourner et dénonce l’instrumentalisation de l’immigration par...

Parfois la réalité reprend le dessus, dans ce monde politique qui se drogue à l’utopie, de Merkel à Macron en passant par les Clinton....


Lundi, 6 Mai, 2019 Cécile Rousseau Les trois ex-dirigeants, dont le PDG du géant des télécoms, comparaissent à partir d’aujourd’hui devant le tribunal correctionnel de Paris...

GM is reinventing itself. It’s cutting 15% of its salaried workers...

By David Goldman November 26, 2018 General Motors on Monday announced a major restructuring of its global business, saying it will shut production at five facilities...

Hungary approves ‘slave labour law’ stripping workers of rights

By Ben Chacko December 12, 2018 HUNGARIAN MPs approved sweeping attacks on workers’ rights today, passing a Bill denounced as the “slave labour law” by trade...

The ghost of 1789 looms over France and Europe

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  December 14th, 2018 "No Christmas this year" is written on the placard of a protester in Toulouse, the “ville rose” of Southwest France,...

The average American worker takes less vacation time than a medieval...

By Lynn Parramore Nov. 7, 2016 Life for the medieval peasant was certainly no picnic. His life was shadowed by fear of famine, disease and bursts...

Shocked, Burnt and Bruised: the Plight of Workers at Tesla’s Plants

“I hear coworkers quietly say that they are hurting but they are too afraid to report it for fear of being labeled as a...

Sur les quinze métiers qui devraient recruter le plus en 2018,...

Par Jean Gadrey 23/04/2018 Selon la vaste enquête (publiée il y a quelques jours, menée fin 2017 par Pôle Emploi auprès des employeurs) « Besoins en...

Visions d’Amérique latine

Par Guillermo Almeyra Mexico, Janvier 2018 Venezuela, quel pouvoir nécessaire ? Le gouvernement de Nicolas Maduro, contrairement à celui de Hugo Chavez, utilise le soutien des travailleurs...

Wall Street vs Workers: Minsky, Marx, and Capitalist Crisis

“The Wall Streets of this world are important; they generate destabilizing forces, and from time to time the financial processes of our economy lead...